Naples, 35 million in taxes and fines recovered by the Municipality in a few months

Naples, 35 million in taxes and fines recovered by the Municipality in a few months

35 million in previously uncollected tax revenue recovered in just a few months: Tari, Imu and fines for violations of the highway code. A figure that indicates a trend and demonstrates that there are already interesting results (updated to March 15) of the work started by Napoli Objective Valore, the public-private company to which the Neapolitan municipality has entrusted the collection.

It was discussed in a meeting held in the Municipality headquarters, in the presence of the mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi, the budget councilor Pier Paolo Baretta, the president of Naples Objective Value Luca Bianchi who is also CEO of Svimez.

An obligation imposed by the Pact for Naples

Improving the collection of tax revenues is a categorical imperative for the Neapolitan Municipality, undertaken with the Pact for Naples, signed in 2021 by Mayor Manfredi with the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi. An agreement with which the Municipality of Naples received 1.2 billion from the Government as a non-repayable loan for 21 years which was intended to avoid bankruptcy (the Municipality had an exposure of 5 billion between deficit and financial debt) and start a reorganization of services and investments. But in exchange the Municipality of Naples committed to improving the management of its tax revenues, subsidiaries and real estate assets.

In the field of Municipalities (Engineering)

To realize the first of the commitments undertaken, the Municipality has entrusted Municipia (Engineering group) with the collection of fines, Imu and Tari. The company has established an operational arm based in Naples, Objective Valore, and made investments in IT infrastructure and data acquisition. Its goal is to recover 1 billion in ten years. The campaign started in October 2023: since then, the company has sent 400,000 collection documents to non-compliant citizens for a total value of 380 million. Of these, the first 34 million and 976 thousand euros have already been partly collected and partly paid in instalments. In detail, these are Tari for approximately 20.5 million, Imu for 12.7 million and more than 1.7 million for violations of the Highway Code. Meanwhile, the company announces that “The collection work is progressing”. And it sets a new short-term goal: to reach 600 thousand documents sent before the summer period.

Find out more

«What value does Naples have for you?»

Naples Objective Value also presented a communication campaign “What value does Naples have for you?”, to raise awareness among Neapolitan citizens of the need to contribute to public resources. Furthermore, it has committed to opening 10 local offices in each of the 10 Municipalities of the city, in addition to an already active desk at the headquarters of the Project Company in the Business Centre, with a wide availability of appointment times that can be booked directly online via the website There is also a call center available on 081/19758372, a website for the forms necessary for requests for self-defense, payment in installments and access to documents, and the possibility of managing compulsory acts and related requests for information by email or via PEC to the address [email protected] as well as the assessment documents via PEC to the address [email protected].

#Naples #million #taxes #fines #recovered #Municipality #months
2024-03-27 18:19:36

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