Nantes Cathedral: A Glimpse into Its Grand Reopening in Autumn 2025

More than four years after the fire at Nantes Cathedral, the end of the work is in sight. This Tuesday, the Loire-Atlantique prefecture announces reopening to the public of the building on September 29, 2025. The result of months of work, which involved cleaning the lead impregnated on the walls of the building.

32 million euros

“The date was not chosen by chance, we took into account the works, but if we chose this date it is because it is the Sunday closest to the dedication, the date on which the cathedral was opened for worship, that is why we agreed with the prefect on this date”confided Monsignor Percerou, Bishop of Nantes, present on the forecourt of the cathedral this Tuesday morning to present the continuation of the work.

The interior of Nantes Cathedral this Tuesday, September 10, 2024. © Radio France – Florian Cazzola

Initially, the authorities were counting on a reopening of the building in 2023, but the work was delayed due to the scale of the restoration project. Decontamination work is completed for several months. In total, 32 million euros have been put on the table by the State for the restoration of “this iconic building”.

A construction site not yet finished

The restoration of the choir organ, the so-called great organ, bears witness to the partnership between church and state on this reconstruction. “I can’t wait to return to the cathedral. It will be a wonderful celebration when the cathedral doors open and the bells ring.”adds the Bishop of Nantes.

Workers at work above the south entrance, one of the three fire sites. Workers at work above the south entrance, one of the three fire sources. © Radio France – Florian Cazzola

“It will take some time for the cathedral to regain its full beauty”underlines the Bishop of Nantes. The authorities want to reopen the place as quickly as possible, in particular to welcome the faithful, but also the general public. Restoration work must continue after the grand reopening, but they concern specific areas within the religious building.

The forest of scaffolding above the south transept of Nantes Cathedral The forest of scaffolding above the south transept of Nantes Cathedral © Radio France – Florian Cazzola

Sacred Heart Basilica

Nantes Cathedral: A New Chapter Begins

Four years after the ⁤devastating fire that ravaged​ Nantes Cathedral, the end ​of the restoration work⁢ is finally in sight. The Loire-Atlantique‍ prefecture has announced ‌that the cathedral will reopen to the public on September 29, 2025. This significant milestone marks the culmination of months of tireless work, which included the decontamination of lead-impregnated ⁢walls ⁤and‍ other essential repairs.

A Historic Landmark

Nantes Cathedral,‍ also known as the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul ⁤of Nantes, ​is a Roman Catholic Gothic⁤ cathedral ‍located in Nantes, Pays‍ de la‌ Loire, France [[2]]. Its ‍construction spanned over 450‌ years, from 1434 to 1891, ‍yet its Gothic⁤ style remains consistent and breathtaking [[1]]. This iconic building has played ⁢a significant role ⁣in ⁤the city’s history and has ‌been a symbol of ​faith and spirituality for generations.

A Partnership between Church and State

The restoration of the choir organ, known ‌as the great organ, is a testament to the partnership between ‌the church and the state in this reconstruction effort. The Bishop of Nantes, Monsignor Percerou, ‌expressed his ​excitement about the⁣ reopening, stating, “It will be a wonderful celebration when⁢ the ‌cathedral doors open and the bells ring.” This⁣ partnership has been instrumental ‌in securing the necessary funds‍ for the restoration project, with the ‍State⁤ contributing 32⁣ million euros to the effort ‍ [[3]].

Decontamination‍ and Restoration

The decontamination work, which was completed several months ago, was⁢ a‌ crucial ⁢step in the restoration process. The authorities had initially hoped to⁤ reopen the ‍building in 2023, but the scale of the project proved ​more extensive than anticipated,⁣ leading to delays. Despite these setbacks, the work has continued steadily, with the goal⁢ of⁤ restoring the cathedral to its former glory.

A Construction Site Not Yet ⁤Finished

While⁣ the grand reopening is a significant milestone, the authorities acknowledge that‍ the​ restoration work is far from complete.⁢ The Bishop of Nantes ⁣noted that it⁢ will take​ time for the cathedral to regain its full beauty, and‍ that ‌restoration work will continue after the reopening. ‌However, this will ⁤focus on specific areas within the religious building, allowing the public‌ to once again experience the ⁣beauty ⁣and ​splendor of Nantes Cathedral.

A New​ Beginning

The reopening of Nantes Cathedral on September 29, ​2025, marks⁤ a new chapter⁣ in the⁤ history of this beloved landmark. It⁢ is a testament⁤ to⁤ the resilience⁤ and determination⁣ of⁤ the ⁤people of Nantes and a celebration⁢ of the cathedral’s enduring significance. ‍As the Bishop of Nantes so⁤ eloquently put it, “I ​can’t wait to return to the cathedral. It ⁤will be a wonderful celebration when the cathedral doors open and the bells ring.”





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Nantes Cathedral: A Testament to Resilience and Restoration

More than four years after the devastating fire that ravaged Nantes Cathedral, the end of the restoration work is finally in sight. On September 29, 2025, the Loire-Atlantique prefecture has announced the reopening of the building to the public, marking a significant milestone in the cathedral’s history. The extensive restoration project, which has cost a staggering 32 million euros, has involved painstaking efforts to clean and remove lead impregnated on the walls of the building [[1]].

The cathedral, also known as the Cathédrale St Pierre et St Paul de Nantes, has been undergoing restoration since the fire in 2020. Initially, the authorities had planned to reopen the building in 2023, but the scale of the restoration project led to delays [[1]]. However, decontamination work has been completed for several months, and the cathedral is now ready to regain its former glory [[2]].

The partnership between the church and the state has been instrumental in the reconstruction process. The restoration of the choir organ, also known as the great organ, is a testament to this collaboration [[3]]. The Bishop of Nantes, Monsignor Percerou, expressed his excitement about the upcoming reopening, stating, “I can’t wait to return to the cathedral. It will be a wonderful celebration when the cathedral doors open and the bells ring.”

The restoration process has been a complex and challenging task, requiring the expertise of multiple specialists. As of 2020, experts from 12 different specialties had begun assessing the damage to the cathedral [[1]]. The work has involved not only restoring the building’s structure but also preserving its historical and cultural significance.

The announcement of the reopening date has been carefully chosen to coincide with the Sunday closest to the dedication of the cathedral, which marks the date when the cathedral was opened for worship. This symbolic gesture highlights the cathedral’s importance as a place of worship and a cultural landmark.

As the cathedral prepares to reopen its doors to the public, it will take some time for the building to regain its full beauty. However, the dedication and perseverance of the restoration team, the church, and the state have ensured that this iconic building will continue to be a source of inspiration and pride for the people of Nantes and beyond.


[1] Restoration of fire-damaged Nantes cathedral likely to take 3 years. RFI. (2020, July 23)

[2] The cathedral of Saint-Pierre and



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