Nanjing released the new regulations on the purchase of second-hand houses and was urgently stopped for only half a day | Nanjing Second-hand Housing | Nanjing Housing Association | Cancel

[The Epoch Times, May 21, 2022]On May 20, regarding “Nanjing second-hand housingCancelpurchase limit“The news caused a heated discussion in the market. However, this policy was urgently rushed in less than 2 hours.stopNanjing Housing SocietyAlso delete articles synchronously.The release of the new regulations andstopAll are on the hot search.

Around 4 p.m. on the 20th,Nanjing Housing SocietyThe WeChat public account issued a document stating that starting from May 20, Nanjing residents with household registration and non-local household registration do not need to provide proof of purchase when purchasing second-hand housing, so as to meet the reasonable housing needs of new citizens and other groups with rigid needs.

Zhang Hui, secretary-general of the Nanjing Housing Association, said in an interview with Lu Media that second-hand houses are not viable, new houses are difficult to recover, and gradient consumption of first- and second-hand houses requires a virtuous circle.

Subsequently, many local media reported that,Nanjing second-hand housingThe news that the transaction no longer requires proof of purchase is true.

“China Times” reported that a number of Nanjing real estate agents released news in the circle of friends, saying that Nanjing does notpurchase limitThere is no limit to the number of houses purchased; the purchasers are not limited to locals and foreigners, and they can buy houses at will; for second-hand houses to go through the transfer procedures, it is no longer necessary to provide proof of purchase.

The staff of Nanjing real estate agency said that they have received a notice to relax the restrictions on the purchase of second-hand houses. According to the news announced in the followingnoon, there are now people queuing outside the housing management bureaus in all districts, all waiting to go through the formalities.

But two hours following the release of the new regulations, the above-mentioned staff member said: “It has been stopped.” The report said that at regarding 17:30 that day, the Nanjing Housing Association also deleted the article.NanjingCancelThe new regulation on the purchase of second-hand houses only “survive” for 2 hours.

In this regard, the Nanjing Urban and Rural Construction Committee said that the Construction Committee did not understand this information and needed to consult the Housing Authority.

A person close to the local housing administration told, “This policy does exist in the followingnoon, and I have indeed heard that this policy has been withdrawn.”

A real estate agent from Shell Finding Housing said, “The policy of relaxing the purchase restriction (second-hand housing) has been around for half a day.” The agent said that in the early followingnoon, the market was more concerned regarding the fact that the purchase of a house with a non-local household registration no longer requires relevant qualification certificates. , the purchase channel has been opened. However, due to the sudden increase in the market heat, it attracted the attention of the regulatory authorities, and received a notice around 5:00 pm, saying that the previous purchase restriction policy would be restored.

At regarding 8:00 a.m. on May 21, the staff of the Nanjing Real Estate Market Trading Center told Lu Media that proof of house purchase is still required. The staff explained that for two hours on the followingnoon of the 20th, no proof of purchase was required, and they were temporarily “stopped” to let the window continue to close, and they did not know the reason.

The person in charge of a local intermediary company in Nanjing said bluntly to the “Beijing Business Daily” that following the Nanjing Housing Association deleted the post, the cancellation of the second-hand housing purchase restriction in Nanjing is basically “cool”, and the future market is not optimistic.

Analysts including Yan Yuejin, research director of the Think Tank Center of the E-House Research Institute, believe that the original intention of the Nanjing policy is also to show that the relaxation of the purchase restrictions on second-hand housing will also become a model adopted by various places, but if it fails in the end, they can only say ” The time has not come.”

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics of the Communist Party of China, in April, under the influence of multiple factors such as the epidemic, the prices of new and second-hand houses in Nanjing both fell. The sales price of new houses in Nanjing decreased by 0.5% month-on-month, and the sales price of second-hand houses decreased by 0.6% month-on-month and 0.9% year-on-year. The decline was more than the average decline in second-tier cities (0.3%), and it fell month-on-month for seven consecutive months.

Since the beginning of April, there have been many news regarding the “relaxation” of the purchase policy in Nanjing. For example, local families with two children and above in Nanjing are allowed to add a new house; Nanjing relaxes the restrictions on buying houses in Nanjing, and social security can buy a house within 6 months; new houses can be traded following 3 years of registration; Nanjing Housing Provident Fund buys a second house The maximum loanable amount of the loan will be raised to 500,000 yuan per person (1 million yuan per household for both husband and wife).

Regarding the government’s policy changes, the mainland’s Sina Weibo VLOG blogger “Quan Shaoshuo” said that yesterday, he saw the news that Nanjing’s second-hand housing purchase restriction was lifted, which once once more confirmed what he said before, the real estate industry is really dying. Not only the people have no confidence, but even the developers have no confidence.

“Quan Shaoshuo” said that Nanjing only sold 20 billion land in the first half of the year, only 1/5 of the expected figure. This is a very exaggerated figure, not to mention other cities, whose finances rely heavily on land sales. There are no decent companies, what should I do? The price is likely to be cut in half. Once housing prices fall, there is no way to reverse it. Unless the economy grows explosively, it will be very difficult to recover. It will take a long time for market confidence to return to normal.

“Quan Shaoshuo” said that Chinese people are all highly leveraged to buy a house. In the past, the income was still good and they thought regarding taking out a loan to buy a house. They had a mortgage loan for 20 to 30 years. There are many foreclosures available. “Many people say that there are many rich people, but I tell you, there are 1.4 billion people, and there are more people who have no money.”

The netizen “Yushi Yu Shi” said, “Nanjing’s second-hand housing purchase restriction policy was just released, and it was cancelled within two hours. It is a typical half-day tour policy.”

Netizen “Lou Shi” said, “Policies can be implemented as they should, but I’m just worried regarding losing the black hat following the fall, so I have to wait and see. Nanjing’s second-hand housing purchase restriction policy is cancelled for a day trip, telling officials that the policy can be implemented, but the black hat will be thrown away when the house price rises. .”
The netizen said, “If you want to cancel it, you can cancel it. If you want to withdraw it, you can withdraw it. For the sake of financial revenue, you really do whatever you want, and there is no credibility at all.”

Responsible editor: Xu Menger



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