Ñáñez: People demonstrate democratic vocation before elections

The Sectoral Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism, and Minister of Popular Power for Communication and Information, Freddy Ñáñez, analyzed current news topics on the Cable a Tierra program, broadcast by VTV Radio, highlighting the start of the electoral campaign. with a view to the presidential elections, scheduled for July 28, with a people “with a democratic vocation, who accept the election as a party,” according to a note on the portal of the state channel.

Independence Day

The minister valued the Independence Day that is celebrated this Friday, June 5, “this was not an Independence of paper and ink, it cost 10 years of war, of a fight for liberation. We inherit glory, but we also give a challenge, to be faithful to our history, and build a path of emancipation. In the XNUMXth century it was a political independence, in the XNUMXth century there were great setbacks, in terms of economic, political, scientific and cultural independence, and now, with the XNUMXst century, we are moving forward.”

For her part, the journalist invited to the program, Karen Méndez, highlighted that, “on this date, the country is mobilized, for democracy, for a new election.”

Start of the Electoral Campaign

When analyzing the start of the campaign, which took place this Thursday, he indicated that this fact “represents the democratic vocation of the Venezuelan people, who take the elections as a party. People want to decide, they arm themselves with arguments. We were in Zulia, and from there we went to Caracas. Yesterday the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command started in 70 cities in the country.”

In this regard, the journalist indicated that Venezuelans are “aware, who know that when there are moments to guarantee participation, we do not stay at home.”

To which the vice minister responded, this is how it was in the electoral simulation, “the people wanted to participate, even though this was a pedagogical deployment, the opposition parties deployed their electoral campaigns, this predicts a campaign full of arguments and with the sense of reconnecting to people with a sense of public affairs.”

Dialogue with the United States

On this point he expressed that “the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has said it all. For many it is news that surprises them, but not for the people, the head of state is always open to dialogue, and when that dialogue has been interrupted, it is because the rules have been violated, because the dialogue is betrayed at times. And that is why the president talks regarding returning to that dialogue, but under conditions of transparency. These conditions of frankness imply that partial information regarding the dialogue is not infiltrated, that it is not manipulated and that we go directly to the point.”

He indicated that the great internal dialogue “will take place on July 28, a dialogue of wills, that day the people will speak and then there will be nothing else to do other than what the people say. With the United States, what it has to do with is how it returns to international legality and leaves Venezuela in peace.”


In response to the head of state’s complaints regarding sabotage, the minister stated that “Venezuela wants elections free of sanctions and political violence, enough of using terrorism and boycotts to manipulate the people. To extract political capital that does not exist. This submarine cable, which was attempted to be cut, was not going to cut the families of a political party, this was once morest the population. “It cannot be supported with any argument that violence becomes the hidden campaign, zero violence, zero sabotage.”

In this regard, the invited journalist expressed that “this message must reach those who ask, inside and outside Venezuela, for free and competitive elections.”

Energy stability

The minister was approached by an analysis carried out by the Financial Times, which indicates that the United States and the European Union seek to get closer to the national government, following the failures to overthrow it. In this regard, he pointed out that this medium “does a pragmatic analysis, which means For international investors, the stability of a country, and the need for relations between countries that have a common energy interest to be the best and most stable. Venezuela has always guaranteed energy stability, it has never used oil as a political weapon, the country is aware of building great balances in the global world. Venezuela is a reliable partner. And it is within their plans to continue as a reliable partner and to participate with sovereignty.”

In this regard, the journalist stated that the sanctions did not fulfill their political objective.

Health of Jorge Glas

The situation of the former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, was addressed in the program. In this regard, the minister pointed out that “he is a political prisoner who has suffered permanent torture since the persecution once morest him began. The president of Ecuador, Rafael Noboa, destroyed international law, violated the Vienna Convention, violated the human rights of Jorge Glas, and of all the workers of the Mexican Embassy.”

In this regard, the journalist said that “we will be attentive to the International Committee that was formed in defense of Glas.”

Protests in Israel

In Israel, there are more voices questioning the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a fact that is reflected in the protests of Israelis once morest that government. On this point, the minister expressed that Netanyahu “is a man of zero popularity, who had it not been for this terrible war of extermination of the Palestinian people, he would have stopped being prime minister, because he already had a lot of rejection on his shoulders. The protests are intensifying, but so are the bombings once morest the Palestinian people.”

The journalist affirms that the United States and Europe let Netanyahu fall, but that there is a state policy once morest the Palestinians, “this is not going to change because of a change in a prime minister.”

Right in Europe

The turn to the right in Europe was addressed by the minister, who stated that “Europe has a common trait and it is a return to conservative thinking, a right that has sustained itself with the myth of ethnic supremacy, of Europe over the world.” and an imperial vision.”

On this topic, the guest journalist, Pascual Serrano, expressed that the appointment of Kaja Kallas, as head of European diplomacy, “is probably the worst news for a Europe at peace, she represents the most bellicose element once morest Russia. “She demolished Soviet monuments in her country.”

Red wine

The minister valued the progress of the national soccer team and the growth of this sport in the country, which has had the support of the national government.

In this part, the president of the Venezuelan Football Federation (FVF), Jorge Giménez, was invited, who expressed that “football has had a good boom. With that connection with the fan. We have soccer associations in the states where tournaments are held, so that the little ones can practice soccer. As they get older it is more formal. This policy has been valued by both the South American Football Confederation (Conmebol) and the International Football Association Federation (FIFA).”

#Ñáñez #People #demonstrate #democratic #vocation #elections
2024-07-06 13:46:33



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