Nane Frühstückl sings and swings at the Tischlergütl

2023-07-13 01:54:00

This time there will be a “Swing & Latin Night” open air (in the tent if the weather is bad) with jazz singer Nane Frühstückl and her jazz trio (Helmar Hill, piano; Tom Grubinger, drums). For Gerhard Obermair and his young “Kulturverein Tischlergütl” – named following the name of his farmhouse – Nane Frühstückl is no stranger. She sang and played for the former deputy district captain’s 60s, and contact with the internationally successful and sought-following musician has remained. After studying classical singing at the Mozarteum Salzburg and a year studying jazz singing in Munich, she completed additional training in Austria, the USA and Norway. The jazz trio impresses with the perfect coordination of the program with the respective concert venue. Ticket reservation: [email protected]


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