NANA Lim Zhenna diagnosed with new crown temporarily interrupted schedule and is receiving treatment at home_Company_Aspect_Announcement

Original title: NANA Lin Zhenna diagnosed with the new crown temporarily interrupted the schedule and is receiving treatment at home

Sohu Korean Entertainment News on the 8th, the NANA Lin Zhenna company issued an announcement that Lin Zhenna was diagnosed with the new crown and temporarily suspended the schedule.


Hi everyone, this is Pledis Entertainment.

Nana Lim Jin Na, a singer and actress of our company, has been diagnosed with the new crown.

NANA’s self-test result was positive on the 7th (Monday), and a PCR test was performed, and the new crown was confirmed on the 8th (Tuesday). Now NANA has no special symptoms and is receiving treatment at home.

Therefore, it is difficult for NANA to participate in the schedule for the time being, and the artist’s activity schedule will be introduced to you in the future.

The company puts the artist’s health first, and we will do our best to treat and help the artist recover so that Nana can meet the fans with a healthy face. In addition, our company will sincerely cooperate with the requirements and policies of the epidemic prevention authorities.

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