Nana Calistar: Your Daily Horoscope and Astrology Predictions for January 23rd

2024-01-23 11:07:00

The best predictions come to you Nana Calistar and for all those who want to know what destiny has in store for them, whose followers are eagerly awaiting their daily recommendations to be able to start this Tuesday, January 23, on the right foot and the best advice for all the zodiac signs, their darlings of the astrology.

In this new edition the psychic revealed to the horoscopes her destiny in the field of family, luck, amor, savalanche, job and the moneythat most will have to reflect on what is happening in your life, specifically in the spiritual part.

Some signs will benefit economically Photo: Special

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January’s Full Moon will bring money and fortune for 6 signs

Super lucky, these are the 3 signs that will be showered with good luck, according to Eastern astrology


For those born under the sign of Aries between March 21 and April 20, in the love sphere, there is someone who keeps you up at night, but here is the truth: do not see it as impossible. That person you are attracted to is not out of reach.

Skip everything that stops you, don’t let yourself be belittled or fallen for anyone and start telling yourself that whoever loves you must pay what you’re worth or else they don’t deserve to have you in their life.

It seems like your collaboration hasn’t been at its best lately, and your colleagues might be looking at you askance.


For Taurus, the signs born between April 21 and May 21, today, the suggestion is to stop those apps for a few days and recover face-to-face communication. The people you care about may be a little disappointed in you.

In the game of love, it’s time to play your cards wisely. Avoid impulsive decisions, whether to cut off or commit. Think about it a little more. The key is to slow down a little and be cautious in the sentimental field.

Prudence will guide you towards the right choices. Don’t rush, let things develop and you will see how well thought out decisions lead to stronger relationships.


For Geminis, the signs born between May 22 and June 21, do a small mental exercise that strengthens your confidence, imagine your achievements and visualize success. Your superiors value you, but the key is that you value yourself too.

At work, opportunities are within your reach, trust your abilities and share those brilliant ideas you have. Your superiors value you, so today is the day to stand out.

In the love sphere, the focus is on rekindling the spark. Dedicate special time to that person who shares your life with you. Today, show your love with sincere words and meaningful gestures. Don’t let routine beat you.


For Cancer, signs born between June 22 and July 23, do not stop yourself from unfounded fears. Success starts with trying, moving and doing things. Accept that there will be failures, but also successes. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from moving forward.

Your current mood could affect your relationships, especially with that special someone. Don’t let silence lead you to lose someone important. Express your feelings today, let him know that you care and that you have future plans together.

The key to success in love is to express love daily. Don’t let routine and misunderstandings get in the way of your relationship. Today is the perfect opportunity to show your affection.


For Leos, the signs born between July 24 and August 23, there is a real possibility that that opportunity you have longed for will appear, imagine that you have been applying for that dream job, and today you could receive the news that you are one step away from achieving it.

Keep your eyes peeled, because good news can come in any form: an email, a phone call, or even a message on social media. Be attentive and decipher the signs that will show you the path to success.

Pay attention to the signs: If you’ve been waiting for that important call, this could be the moment your phone rings. Today you experience poetic justice for your daily effort.


For Virgos, the signs born between August 24 and September 22, today you may realize that your partner is a little demanding. On a daily basis, he has many expectations and likes things to be done instantly.

Despite the daily demands, you and your partner are experiencing a sweet and passionate moment. The relationship is at its peak. However, this moment will not last forever.

Some repetitive gestures could be catching your attention. Although enjoying passion is great, don’t forget that a strong relationship requires more than just passionate moments.

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For Libra, signs born between September 23 and October 22, it is time to stand out at work. Focus fully on your tasks and seek perfection in what you do.

If you are facing a conflict with someone close to you, it is time to end the discord. If you recognize that the cause was yours, consider humbly apologizing, if the other person was responsible, practice empathy and forgive.

In the love sphere, someone has noticed you, but you may not have noticed it. You can choose to be more attentive to the romantic cues around you. You are in a favorable moment to explore new emotional connections.


For Scorpio, signs born between October 23 and November 22, today is the day to leave behind that fear of making mistakes that has led you down paths that do not satisfy you. Make a point to listen to your intuition when making decisions and choose more positively.

Listen to your inner voice and choose what makes you happy. Sometimes small changes in our daily choices can have a significant impact on our well-being.

In love, there are many exciting possibilities waiting for you; However, you may be looking in the wrong place. Today is the time to explore other love circles. Open your heart to new connections and broaden your horizons.


For Sagittarius, signs born between November 23 and December 21, today is the perfect day to recognize and celebrate your professional achievements.

In the midst of your busy schedule, an impromptu meeting with friends can be revitalizing. This simple action can be as liberating as a short vacation. So, go ahead and enjoy the company of your loved ones.

If a conflict arises related to a financial favor, remain calm. Proposing solutions together may include a more flexible payment plan or agreeing to additional time. The important thing is to communicate openly, understanding the other’s circumstances.


For Capricorns, born between December 22 and January 19, a series of important tasks await you at work today. To meet this challenge, make sure you are punctual.

Dedicate time and energy to each task to overcome this work challenge efficiently. Don’t let work responsibilities invade your love life. Proper time management will allow you to cultivate your relationship without neglecting your work responsibilities.

If you are involved in business, today is the perfect day to close an important deal, put all your interest in the opportunity. If you feel insecurities, remember to convince yourself of how much you are worth.


For Aquarius, zodiac signs born between January 20 and February 19, your professional life is on the rise, with a streak of notable successes. Even if you lack some details such as punctuality and daily organization, you have achieved a lot.

When you leave work, you leave work problems behind. He takes time to distract you and rest. Maintaining this balanced rhythm daily will help you improve both at work and in your general well-being.

In the love sphere, it is time to make decisions, if you already know what you want, give it a clear and sincere answer. If you need more time, communicate it openly. Avoid leaving the other person waiting.


For Pisces, zodiac signs born between February 20 and March 20, speaking in confidence about your concerns at work can be overwhelming due to the avalanche of advice.

Focus on your power of choice and make decisions with confidence. Facing changes and improvements requires energy. Convince yourself that you are capable and maintain a positive attitude towards your personal and professional growth.

Avoid impulsive eating and look for healthy options. If you need support, consider consulting a health professional. Small changes in your diet can have a big impact on your daily energy and vitality.


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