Naked cleaning, threatening with a knife. Economist Šichtařová described domestic violence – Ž

Šichtařová lived with economist Vladimír Pikora for twenty years, they have seven children together, and they also worked together and wrote several books. However, living together was very difficult.

Pikora was being treated for obsessive compulsive disorder, but he didn’t tell his doctors what was going on at home. Outwardly he appeared as a charming Jekyll. But when he returned home, he turned into an evil, aggressive Hyde.

“It was a bad ten years, with everything escalating, and the worst was the last six months,” she answered when asked when it all started.

According to Šichtařová, there were a number of contaminated objects in the household, which neither she nor the children were allowed to touch. Neither does the partner, of course. First they were contaminated by microbes, at a later stage by radioactivity. And they were constantly increasing.

“In the end, there were only narrow corridors left in the house through which we could move. In addition, restrictions began to be accompanied by shouting and threats,” described Šichtařová. She was also not allowed to use normal things like the phone and she also mentions the time her son collapsed after he pressed the pedestrian button at a crosswalk outside and felt like his father was driving by and saw him.

“Another time I came into the kitchen where the daughter was standing naked and covered in blood. The partner threw a pint full of water at her, it broke, the shard bounced off the ground and cut her in the thigh. There was blood everywhere and the daughter was told to clean up the shards naked and then mop the floor , so she wouldn’t contaminate herself. When she did, he threw another pint at her,” Šichtařová recounts. She helped her with the cleaning, but she also had to be naked.

Humiliating decontamination after returning from outside

Every trip anywhere was followed by a very humiliating decontamination at home.

“Still between the doors, (a person) had to strip naked, hop on one leg into the bathroom, where someone else had to use the index finger of the right hand to release the water tap, counting to a hundred, then the water had to be turned off with the index finger of the other hand, and in the shower they still had to wash and decontaminate all of this. In the end, we had to wipe each other’s feet. It took about two hours, and when a mistake was made, the faucet was touched with another finger. , before it was allowed, it had to be started again,” the woman described.

She also mentioned that the worst situation came when the partner used a knife to add to the threats and violence. At the same time, she stated that the psychological abuse was far worse.

“There was not so much physical violence. I was punched a few times, my daughter was strangled and cut once. Younger children were spanked by their partner in a style that resembled a broken down machine that could not stop. But it was not the order of the day. Far worse was the omnipresent fear. It was clear that any careless movement would result in a terrible explosion,” describes Šichtařová.

According to her words, she ran away from Pikora just before the birth of her last, seventh child. “I remember one of my partner’s words just before running away: Now that you have seven children, you won’t run away from me,” she said.

The psychiatrist had no idea what was going on at home

After some time, according to her words, she made an appointment with her partner’s psychiatrist.

“I went there with my daughter and asked how the treatment was going. She told me that it was good, that he wouldn’t be shielded from anything anymore. I replied that I wasn’t asking that, that I was interested in whether he would no longer be physically dangerous. The doctor opened her eyes in disbelief. So I explained to her what was happening at our house. I showed her the photos. She was in shock, she didn’t know anything about it,” Šichtařová confided.

Then, according to her, it became clear that the partner was being treated with a completely different diagnosis.

“I told him in front of the doctor that he blew his last chance and that it was over between us. He then tried to commit suicide and was hospitalized in a closed psychiatric ward. Today we are in contact through the court. The divorce proceedings have been going on for three years, partner still appeals and wants to stop it. The children are entrusted to my care. The oldest do not have contact with him at all, because they remember what happened,” the economist concluded.

She lies and had a lover, claims Pikora

The editors also gave space to partner Vladimír Pikor. He then in post on Facebook he denied her allegations. “I will fight them legally,” he wrote. According to Pikora, Šichtařová wanted to “secure a place in the media for her political career” by giving her statement (The economist is running in the senate elections, note. ed.). He also claims that he himself was the victim of abuse and Šichtařová had a lover during their relationship.

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