Nación will appear as a plaintiff in the case

2024-02-01 22:43:05

The fire in Los Alerces national park “remains active and has already affected about 2,500 hectares”, as reported this Thursday by the Secretary of Forests of Chubut, Cecilia Gajardo. The operation involves some 330 personas, between brigade members and support personnel, to try to combat the flames.

The official explained that «reinforcements continue to be received from different places to increase the attack front that is complicated by the weather conditions«, marked by the presence of wind, heat and lack of humidity in the environment.

The fire that started near the “El Centinela” stream on the upper part of the Chubut mountain range it extended to exceed the limits of the Los Alerces national park, which transformed the incident into “interjurisdictional”, for which attack A unified command was formed with the participation of national and provincial actors.

«As of February 1, the fire remains active on all its flanks, with a southeast direction of advance towards the Trafipan lagoon, some 2,500 hectares have been affected. Work continues on the ground with approximately 250 people, in containment lines with manual tools and a water line,” indicated, for his part, the mayor of Los Alerces National Park, Danilo Hernández Otaño.

In statements to Télam Radio, the official specified that there are “a total of 330 people affected by the operation, including logistics, access control and support tasks personnel with the presence of aerial means, two hydrant planes, an observation plane . Today, an amphibious plane with the capacity to carry water in low flight over Lake Futalaufquen and three helicopters that are already operating with helibalde are added.«.

Los Alerces park fire: Nation will appear as plaintiff in the case

The national government will join the Executive of Chubut as plaintiff in the case in which the burning of forests is investigated.

Chubut, whose authorities blame organizations linked to communities of Mapuche origin, had anticipated that it was going to take charge of this claim so that the origin of the fire could be clarified and that the «exemplary measures» against the authors.

“The governor (Ignacio Torres) said there were indications that the fire could have been intentionally set. We are all committed to being able to put an end to the fire and then begin the necessary investigations. If it ends up leading to an investigation that says this was intentional, those responsible should be behind bars«said this Thursday the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni in his daily conference.

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The Chubut governor points to a former brigade member belonging to the Lof Paillako community, whose name is Cruz Cardenas. But, for sure, there are still no certain indications of such an accusation. That is why experts from the Accident Investigation Division of the Argentine Federal Police.

The Accident Investigation Division of the Argentine Federal Police will carry out the pertinent surveys in order to determine the possible causes that gave rise to the fire.

With information from Télam and Argentine News

#Nación #plaintiff #case

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