N12 – Heightened vigilance throughout Gush Dan

The Shin Bet and the police announce this morning (Monday) that yesterday’s explosive device explosion in Tel Aviv is a terrorist attack. In the statement of the security bodies, it was stated that it was a “powerful” explosive device. It later turned out that he was carrying a charge with 8 kg of explosives. One civilian was moderately injured in the incident, and the man who was carrying the charge in a bag on his back was killed in the explosion. , said in a conversation with N12: “There was fire and a million pieces and I felt like I couldn’t breathe”.

The terrorist who carried out the attack carries the explosive device in Tel Aviv

The terrorist was moving with an explosive device in the south of the city, when the device he was carrying exploded and resulted in the death of the suspect, and the wounding of another man. According to an official in the security system, the suspect came from the West Bank. In another document, the suspect is seen walking with the luggage on his back among citizens in south Tel Aviv.

The terrorist who carried out the attack last night in Tel Aviv The scene of the explosion in Tel Aviv | Photo: Yehoshua Yosef, Flash 90

The commander of the Ayalon police area, Chaim Bobalil, said: “It was a miracle that the explosion did not happen in a synagogue that was near the place of the explosion or in a nearby commercial center. This incident could have ended in dozens of deaths.” The Shin Bet is checking where the terrorist came from, if it was from Nablus and if there was an organization that directed him. In the meantime, Hamas and Islamic Jihad published a joint statement in which they accepted responsibility for the attack: “It will continue as long as the displacement of civilians and the policy of assassinations continue.”

The suspect in the bomb explosion in Tel Aviv

Leonid, who was injured in the attack, said in a conversation with N12: “I saw a flash, and I went with the scooter through the fire of the explosion. I thought it was gas cylinders, because I also saw a truck next to it. There was fire and a million pieces. I drove a few more meters and realized that I had something, I couldn’t take it Air. A soldier who passed by helped me and called an ambulance.”

The intense explosion took place last night on Lehi Street in Tel Aviv, around 20:00. Dozens of calls came to the police center from citizens who reported a strong explosion. A 50-year-old man who was carrying the cargo was killed, and a 33-year-old man was moderately injured by shrapnel and was taken to the Ichilov Hospital in the city with bruises on his limbs And in the chest. The Shin Bet was involved in the investigation from the beginning, and later, as mentioned, the suspicion that it was an attempted attack was confirmed.

The suspect in the explosion in Tel Aviv walks with a bag on his back Photo: According to Section 27A of the Copyright Law the push and spray at the scene of the explosion in Tel Aviv | Photo: N12

A preliminary investigation last night revealed that a man was walking with an explosive device – and it exploded when he passed by a truck. In the footage from security cameras, the person is seen carrying the cargo in a bag on his back, and then the explosion occurs. The explosion may have occurred as a result of a malfunction in the launcher’s operating mechanism.

Superintendent Peretz Amr emphasized the difficulty in identifying the body after the explosion: “We were not able to make a definite identification due to the severity of the injury, and we will try through a laboratory to get quick answers. The identity of the person is critical to determine whether this is a piracy or criminal incident,” he said last night, when the circumstances of the case were still He added: “The direction of the IDF is very relevant because of the characteristics of the scene, we have another injured person who happened to be on the road and if we get more information from him, we may not be able to determine anything from the videos of the IDF To be a criminal, the direction of the PFA is a serious direction.”

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