N12 – Documentation of Matan Tsengaukar from captivity

291 days after he was abducted to the Gaza Strip, Matan Tsengauker’s mother, Einav, revealed this evening (Tuesday) his documentation from the first days in captivity. In addition, Matan’s correspondence with family members from October 7, before he was kidnapped, was also published. “There are people here, they are trying to get in,” he wrote before being kidnapped. Einav said this evening in the “Main Edition” studio that she received an indication that her son was alive. Among other things, a bottle with urine was found in Gaza, which an examination revealed belonged to Matan.

In a chilling document obtained by Einav over the weekend, Matan is seen being carried on a motorcycle in a crowded area on the outskirts of Khan Yunis. Matan is seen sitting between two terrorists, when in the background you hear the voices of the crowd cheering and cheering at the sight of the “loot”. According to the assessment, this is documentation from the first days after the kidnapping. Apparently the terrorists moved Matan to another place where he was held.

Matan Tsangaukar is led on a motorcycle in Khan Yunis Matan Tsangaukar

In addition to the video, Einav recently received the phone of Matan who is in Gaza by the army. Before he was kidnapped together with his girlfriend Ilana Gritsevski from their home in Nir Oz, he corresponded with his mother, his uncle Eliran and Nathalie (Tato), one of his sisters. B-07:48 Natalie sent documents of terrorists to Mitten and wrote “it’s within the horizons”. Matan wrote to her: “Lock the door.”

B-08:12 Natalie asked: “Let me know you’re okay, mom doesn’t want to bother you with the conversation,” and Matan replied: “I’m okay, tell her.”

B-09:12 Matan wrote to his mother: “The IDF is attacking? Is there an IDF in the settlements?” Einav replied to him: “There are not enough forces. There are no soldiers in the kibbutzim. Everyone is concentrated in the settlements they infiltrated. Do not leave the MMD.” Then Einav added: “There are many dead, soldiers and civilians, as well as our prisoners and hostages. The most important thing is not to go out.”

B-09:41 Matan wrote to his mother: “There are still shots here”, and his mother replied: “Don’t speak loudly!”.

B-09:44 Matan wrote to his mother: “There is someone here. I love you. There are people here.” Einav answers him: “Hold the door!! Everything will be fine.” Later Matan wrote: “There are Arabs here, breaking into houses here, I love you, don’t cry.” His mother replies to him: “Be quiet, everything will be fine.” Later she asked: “Maybe it’s the army?”, and Matan replied: “No, they speak Arabic, they are right next to me.”

At the same time, Matan also corresponded with his uncle Eliran. “I love you, help mom with two and Tatoo (Matan’s sisters – MP), that’s all I’m asking,” Matan wrote to him in09:49. Later the uncle called Matan, but he did not answer. “Can’t speak, there are terrorists here, shots,” wrote Matan who was with his girlfriend. The uncle wrote to him: “Be quiet, take a knife,” and Matan replied: “I don’t have one, I’m in the MMD.”

B-10:00 Matan wrote to his uncle: “They break into houses, shoot, shout.” Uncle Eliran asked: “Matan, talk to me”, and Matan replied: “I can’t, I have my hand on the door, shots outside.” At the same time, Matan wrote to his mother: “When are they sending troops?!! They took over half a kibbutz, everything here is shouting.” His mother replies to him: “Patience, just be quiet and hold the door.” Matan wrote: “Call someone, they will bring forces.”

B-10:08 Matan wrote to his mother: “There are people here, they are trying to get in.” His mother wrote to him: “We sent the police, be quiet. Matan? Are you all right?”, but Matan no longer replied.

Matan’s mother addressed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this evening, who is on a diplomatic visit to Washington: “Netanyahu, abductees die in captivity. There is a deal on the table, it is inconceivable that the mother of an abductee should beg you to agree to a deal that you have already approved. For once, put the public and national interest above Your political and personal interest. Look at me being held for nine months. You could have saved him and all the other abductees.

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