Myths, superstitions and other curiosities

Black butterflies can appear anywhere. Popular beliefs associate their presence with death and bad news. However, they are also associated with positive changes and all kinds of transformations.

The species Ascalapha odoratabetter known as the black or witch butterfly, is the one that is mainly associated with bad news, according to popular belief. It is originally from the United States, although it migrates to other countries such as Guatemala and other regions of Latin America and the Caribbean, according to experts.

This species comes from the family EribidaeAccording to the organization Butterflies and Moths of North America, These are easily recognized by their large size and their pointed front wing, which is blackish to brownish in color.Experts add that these have an oval spot on the outer edge which in turn contains two other rounded spots.

These lepidopterans are usually observed more frequently at twilight hours, according to Dominican researchers. For this reason, it is very common to associate it with misfortune and bad luck.

What does a butterfly visit your house mean?

Butterflies symbolize changes and transformations in life.according to the Encyclopedia of Meanings and some experts in esoteric subjects. This meaning is related to the process of metamorphosis of Lepidoptera, which grow as larvae until they become adult butterflies, also passing through the chrysalis phase.

Seeing a butterfly at home can announce a new opportunity for growth for one or more of its inhabitants, but it is important to take into account that these criteria are subjective assessments, so Its true meaning will depend on the personal interpretation of the person experiencing this experience.

What to do if you find a black butterfly?

If you find a black butterfly, do not harm it. This is the first suggestion of the experts, since this species is a fundamental part of the functioning of the ecosystem. Among its main functions we can mention its role in the food chain, since butterflies are responsible for the survival of several birds and other species.

In any case, if you are afraid of seeing it, try to scare it away without causing any harm. To do this, you can open doors and windows so that it can escape easily.

Why are black butterflies associated with death?

The belief comes from different cultures and contexts, from Greek mythology to beliefs of Nahuatl origin.However, all butterflies are associated with transformations and changes.

In the case of black butterflies, although esotericism relates them to the physical death of a person, it also associates them with all kinds of changes and transformations. According to experts from National GeographicThese beliefs come from Mesoamerican cultures, but they also mention myths derived from other cultures.

In the case of Mesoamerica, it was directly associated with death and bad omens. On the other hand, people of Anglo-Saxon origin named it “Black witch” (black witch). Also, its scientific name (Ascalapha odorata) is related to the Greek demon Ascalaphus, the horticulturist of Hades, who was considered the king of the underworld in Greek mythology, according to experts.

In the case of Japanese culture, the portal Buddha-Buddhism mentions that butterflies are related to deceased spirits and are considered negative or positive omens, depending on the personAccording to their belief, the soul of the deceased person transforms into a butterfly or is guided by these lepidopterans to the “afterlife”.

However, Catholic priests claim that associating black butterflies with death is simply superstition. This view is shared by scientists, as there is no evidence of this kind to prove the link between a black butterfly and death. In any case, The only valid meaning of a black butterfly is the one attributed to it by the person who observes it.. Any other criteria are subjective.

What is the spiritual meaning of butterflies?

In general terms, these are some spiritual meanings attributed to butterflies from various religious and mystical currents:

  • Radical transformations in any life process
  • Renewal, joy and rebirth in some cases
  • Freedom and beauty
  • Purification
  • Meeting with souls of people who are no longer on the physical plane
  • Instability
  • Unexpected changes
  • Inter alia

In this regard, always remember that the main meaning of this and other symbols depends on your own appreciation and interpretation. Although there are factors that we do not understand and control, Each person is the architect of his own destiny.

#Myths #superstitions #curiosities



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