Mystery Surrounding Murder of Bucaramanga Merchant: Mayor Rules Out Extortion Link

2024-04-24 00:09:00

Jaime Andrés Beltrán, mayor of Bucaramanga, ruled out that the crime of Juan Carlos Cassanova Ochoa, merchant and lender, is related to extortion and indicated that the authorities are investigating personal issues.

The mayor of Bucaramanga, Jaime Andrés Beltránspoke out through his social networks regarding the murder of Juan Carlos Cassanova Ochoa, merchant and lender, which occurred on the morning of this Tuesday, April 23, in the Girardot neighborhood of the capital of Santander.

The local leader He stated that investigations are already progressing to clarify this serious act of violence. which has generated consternation among citizens.

Also read: They reveal video of the attack by hitmen on a merchant in a popular workshop sector of Bucaramanga

“According to initial versions from the Police, a possible extortion is ruled out, the victim had no threats of this type. The Police investigate hypotheses regarding possible personal issueswhich might be the causes of the event”, said the mayor of the bumangueses.

The crime was committed by two hitmen who arrived at that establishment ‘Repuestos Casanova’owned by the victim and located on Carrera 26 and Calle 11 in the neighborhood in question.

There, one of the gunmen shot the 46-year-old man six times.

“Yes security cameras in the area are being analyzed and the Police to locate the hiding place of those responsible for the homicide,” added the mayor.

It was on video

The murder of Juan Carlos Cassanova Ochoa was recorded on security cameras. the merchant and lender, at the hands of hitmen on the morning of this Tuesday, April 23, in the populous workshop sector of the Girardot neighborhood of Bucaramanga

The images show the victim at 8:09 am outside the business repairing the rim of a tire.

Two men on a motorcycle arrived at the scene. The grillman, who was wearing jeans, a black jacket and did not take off his helmet, got out and took out a gun.. He ran to the place where Cassanova Ochoa was with another person and activated his weapon.

In a burst, according to the video, he began shooting at the merchant, who Trying to dodge the bullets, he took to the road without caring regarding being hit by a car, that managed to hit him.

While on the floor, the gunman was still shooting at him. The victim, already seriously injured, flipped several times on the road.

The hitman returned to the corner and got on the motorcycle to flee with his accomplice.

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The audiovisual material shows that The attack was committed in 11 seconds.

Around noon, while receiving medical attention, the merchant unfortunately ended up losing his life.

“It presented six gunshot wounds in different parts of the bodysome of them with entry and exit holes”, stated a police report.

Photo: Marco Valencia / VANGUARDIA.Photo: Marco Valencia / VANGUARDIA.

“According to the information provided by family members, he was the owner of the business name Repuestos Casanova. Likewise, he lent money only to people he knew. We analyze the version if the non-payment of extortion was behind his death.“But this is a matter of investigation,” a police source assured Vanguardia.

Of today deceased Vanguard He learned that he was the father of two daughters, they affectionately called him ‘Caliche’, he lived in the Cabecera neighborhood of the capital of Santander and earned his living as the owner of the previously mentioned spare parts sales business.

His body was transferred to the morgue facilities of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in the Campo Hermoso neighborhood, in the west of the city.

#Mayor #Jaime #Beltrán #launches #hypothesis #murder #Girardot #merchant



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