mystery-liver-disease-affects-children-globally-these-are-the-symptoms | Strange liver disease in living children; Anxiety is spreading

A child has died from a strange liver disease reported in 12 countries, including the UK and the US. The World Health Organization says more than a dozen children have undergone liver transplant surgery. As of April 21, 169 children between the ages of one and 16 had been infected.

On April 5, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 10 children in Scotland had contracted a liver disease. The children were admitted to the hospital with symptoms such as jaundice, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Three days later, 74 children in the UK were diagnosed with the same disease.

As of April 21, 114 children in the UK were affected by the disease. Thirteen children were infected in Spain, 12 in Israel and nine in the United States. A total of 21 cases were reported in Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, France, Romania and Belgium. The adenovirus, which causes the common cold, is a virus that belongs to the adenovirus family and is found in about 40% of cases. In 19 cases, SARSCOV-2 and adenovirus were found to be combined.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says 17 children have had liver transplants. The World Health Organization (WHO) says hepatitis A, B, C and E viruses are not the cause of the disease. Health officials are also unaware that the sick children have an international travel history.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 50 types of adenoviruses can infect humans. Authorities are examining the link between liver disease and adenovirus 41, which is commonly associated with stomach infections.

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