Mystery in Rosario: two twin sisters were found dead in their house | The bodies were in an advanced state of decomposition and surrounded by rubbish.

The corpses of two twin sisters 59 years old were found in an advanced state of decomposition inside the house where they lived together, among boxes, rubbish and piled things. The finding occurred last Friday, in the northern area of Rosario, Santa Fe.

According to judicial sources, one of the women was a compulsive hoarder and it is for this reason that the house was totally crammed with things.

After not seeing them for days and feeling a nauseating smell coming from the house, last Friday several neighbors called 911. Along with firefighters, police officers had to break down a door to enter the house located at 700 Castagnino. Inside the house, the police found the bodies of Marta and Silvia, in an advanced state of decomposition, surrounded by a shocking pile of garbage. In the images he released Canal 3 From Rosario you can see boxes, beer cans, wrappers, papers and objects piled up among the furniture and dirt.

At first, a criminal hypothesis would be ruled out. In addition, sources of the investigation specified that Marta’s body had been decomposing for a longer amount of time, so it is suspected that she died first and a few days later Silvia, who depended on his care.

“There were times, with the temperature, when there were impressive smells. I didn’t see them when they put things together, but now I saw some photos and the house is full of garbage. It’s impressive,” said one of the neighbors. “More than once I have asked them to clean the bottom because they left my patio without light,” added another woman, a neighbor of the sisters for 14 years, who was the one who called the police.

Neighbors also recalled that the women’s father died in 2021 and his body was also inside the house for a few days, while the sisters said he was sleeping. In the neighborhood they found out regarding the man’s death when they saw the police arrive three days following the death, according to testimonies.



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