Mysterious story of Ghost Lake Stone University Village

Story 1: FIRST EVENT In the past, the area of ​​the rock lake is now a mine where people exploiting stones, mines explode all day long, motor vehicles move around all the time, the sky is dusty…


Later, people exploded into the underground water source, it rose too strongly, so they did not exploit DC anymore, had to give up, half of the terrain here has no way to drain. The water in the veins is connected to each other, so the lakes in the area often have the same water level. In the past, the lake was abandoned, the motor vehicles withdrew, but there was one left lying down, unable to get up in time because the water rose very quickly.

From the first days we arrived, this place was still a deep quarry, looking down from above only saw a crane in the middle of a tiny lake.

The water level in the rock lake rose very quickly, it was terrible, within 2 years it was 20m up.

Anyone passing by will now see the water flooded to the shore, but no longer see the cliffs.

Oh, I forgot to mention that behind the lake is the old shooting range, but the story I tell will have nothing to do with the shooting range, although I heard that area is also full of ghosts and grass.

The first death in this area, I heard is a female student in the national dh. committed suicide because of a heartbreak, I heard that I was working while studying to raise my boyfriend for a few years, then my boyfriend graduated, ran away, hated love and committed suicide

But at that time the water was not as high as now, so the height from the cliff down was regarding 50m. Falling down, hitting the water surface is enough to crush the mucus in the lungs and internal organs… so people say she died miserably, the water was still dry but mightn’t pick up the body…

I didn’t personally witness this incident so I don’t have much to say, but following that girl died, there were many deaths and mysterious incidents happening there. Some deaths are suicides, some are extremely mysterious, the cause is unknown, so the authorities concluded it was an accident.

In terms of spirituality, you think that a person who dies unjustly will arrest another person to return to the world to be freed, then you are wrong, extremely wrong…

I heard my grandmother used to say that, depending on whether it is good or bad, you will follow a different number of people to die, some people will die when they have no attachments in the world, they just need to read prayers for supper, funerals, and worship. it’s done

Evil needs to capture people to reincarnate, so there are ghosts, ghosts, or depending on which area has evil spirits, that area often happens mysterious deaths. DH Thu Duc is like that

Next, I will tell you a story that I personally witnessed, but if you haven’t witnessed it, you guys in this area must have heard a lot of rumors.



At that time, we liked swimming in this lake very much, the young buffalo were afraid of father and son. Beautiful scenery, cool water, large and airy space. From time to time I can see a couple of pairs selling tongue porridge on the lake shore. Although there are many deaths in the lake, there are several cases every year, but the attraction of the rock lake is undeniable. Students go out there to enjoy the wind, swim, the lovers confide, the studio takes wedding photos and artistic photos, many people come here to take commemorative photos. In general, there are many reasons, but in general, it is because of the beautiful rock lake. Different from the hustle and bustle of the city, people accidentally ignore the invisible and visible danger that exists there, it is ready to take anyone’s life at any time.

That followingnoon, me and 3 roommates (temporarily called An, Binh, Chien) went swimming as usual. When the chapter staggered, he went up to the shore, at this time there was still one man standing fishing there. I asked him to catch a lot of fish, uncle? He replied, “I just asked, I haven’t had any children yet”.

At this time, 3 girls working in Linh Trung Export Processing Zone went down to take pictures. I heard that tomorrow, the three of them boarded the train to go home to celebrate Tet with their family, so today we came here to take pictures as a souvenir. I noticed that I also took a lot of photos, following going down near the water’s edge, the fisherman said “you guys watch out there, the rocks are very steep down there”. The old uncle’s politeness was answered with a few pouting lips and a sour sentence “The old father with the epidemic always said bad luck”.

The three girls ignored the old fisherman’s warning and went down to the water to pose for a photo. When the fisherman saw that, he didn’t bother to talk anymore but left to find another quiet place to fish, We also ignored it to go home, everyone was worried.

The next day, I read the newspaper and saw the title: 3 girls died in the lake of death (I don’t remember the title). I’m also exhausted. I heard that a girl while styling, slipped and fell into the water, but this lake is ugly in the shallows, where the rocks are sharp and where the rocks are steep. Because it was a place of quarrying in the past, the terrain was complicated.

The girl who fell down panicked, the other 2 lacked knowledge. So she went down to save her but was dragged down to death all 3. Cold water, easy cramps, met a steep and deep rock, so the 3 girls drowned. then die. This is the nth death, but the first time I have seen it with my own eyes. The media was also buzzing at that time, but no one cared, so people still showered, the family still went out to play.

It didn’t matter, until I heard a guy, one of my 3 friends who went to the bathroom with me that followingnoon, repeated: “Around the middle of summer, remember there was a case of a canoe overturned on a rock lake, 3 guys died? “, he added: “as many men die in this lake, there must be as many women dead, from the time the canoe overturned until now, no women have died, so at the end of this year, let these three girls go. At the right time, he was caught and killed by the evil one.” I don’t believe in ghosts either, but it’s okay to abstain, I’m also shy, so I don’t dare to take a bath anymore…



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