Mysterious Malady: Unsettling Rise in Baffling Health Complaints Sparks Widespread Alarm

2024-10-08 18:54:00
The police come to the aid of caregivers facing a violent patient. Emergency department at the Argenteuil hospital center, September 2, 2022. BRUNO FERT FOR “THE WORLD

Some speak of episodes of violence “punctual”. Other incivilities “recurring”the stresses «latent». But almost all the caregivers we contacted agree on one observation: even though it still seems difficult for them to make an official report, the attacks they may suffer from patients during consultations are not no longer, as in the past, passed over in silence.

Insults, threats, physical attacks, theft, vandalism, etc.: 1,581 incidents were reported in 2023 to the National Council of the Order of Physicians, which keeps the annual census. Compared to the 120,000 private doctors, or the 60,000 practicing hospital practitioners, the figure weighs little. But in the twenty years that the order has been carrying out this survey, this is the first time that the increase has been so strong: it reaches 27% between 2022 and 2023 – after having already increased by 23% the previous year.

“This is unprecedented, argued Doctor Jean-Jacques Avrane, coordinator of the Security Observatory within the order, while presenting this data to the press on Tuesday, October 8. And the figures are completely minimized, the vast majority of practitioners do not declare [les violences subies], this is just the visible side of the iceberg. » The National Observatory of Violence in the Health Environment, an organization which reports to the Ministry of Health, and which takes into account reports from hospitals, recorded, in 2022, 18,768 reports from 368 establishments. Its results for 2023 are not yet known.

General practitioners are the most targeted

In the world of health, several recent attacks have left their mark. In Marseille, on August 12, a general practitioner was beaten up. Near Nantes, in September, a doctor was subjected to an attempted rape. Almost eighteen months ago, the attack on a nurse, Carène Mezino, fatally stabbed at the Reims University Hospital, sparked national emotion, and led the government to promise “zero tolerance”accompanied by a plan of around forty measures.

Women, according to figures from the order of doctors, are slightly over-represented, and account for 56% of declared victims, in 2023 as in 2022. The type of incidents reported remains stable: almost three quarters (73%) fall under verbal attacks or threats, 8% mention physical attacks, 8% thefts or attempted thefts, 7% acts of vandalism… Nearly three-quarters of the attacks targeted liberals, and 22% hospital workers.

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#order #doctors #points #unprecedented #increase #reports

The Rise​ of Violence Against Caregivers: A Growing Concern

As I read through the recent news article on the police intervening in a⁢ violent incident involving a ⁣patient and caregivers, I couldn’t help⁣ but feel⁣ a sense of concern‍ and alarm. The statistics mentioned ⁢in the article are staggering – 1,581 incidents of⁤ violence against caregivers reported to the National Council of the Order of Physicians in 2023, a 27% increase from the previous year. This trend is not an isolated phenomenon, but rather a symptom of a larger issue that requires ⁤attention and action.

Caregivers, including ​doctors, nurses, and other healthcare⁢ professionals, ⁢are increasingly facing verbal and physical assaults ⁤from ​patients. A study published in 1999, “Violence against caregivers in nursing homes”⁣ [[2]], highlighted the long-standing ‍problem of violence against caregivers in nursing homes. More recent studies, such as “Caregivers facing violence‍ in long-term care setting” [[3]],​ have ⁤shown that caregivers in ‍long-term care‌ settings are ​still facing physical aggression from residents.

The article mentions that while the number⁤ of incidents may‌ seem small compared to the number of healthcare professionals, the increase in reported incidents is unprecedented. It is crucial to acknowledge that violence against caregivers is not a new⁢ phenomenon, but⁣ rather a growing concern that requires attention​ and action.

It is essential to recognize the complexities of the ‌issue.⁢ The article mentions that caregivers may face difficulty in making‍ official reports,⁣ indicating a need⁢ for improved support systems and reporting mechanisms. Additionally, the increasing stresses and pressures on caregivers, including burnout and compassion fatigue, may contribute to a rise ⁤in reported incidents.

As‌ a society, we​ must recognize the⁣ importance of protecting our caregivers ‍and acknowledging the risks they face every day. It ⁣is crucial to develop strategies to prevent and mitigate ​violence against caregivers, including education and training programs, improved reporting mechanisms, and increased support for ​caregivers⁤ who​ have experienced trauma.

The silence around‍ violence against caregivers is ‌no longer tenable. As the article highlights, caregivers​ are increasingly speaking out about ⁢the attacks they face, and it is essential that we listen and take action. ⁣By working together to address this critical issue, we can create a ‌safer and more supportive⁢ environment for caregivers, ultimately benefiting patients and our healthcare system as a whole.


“Violence against​ family ⁤caregivers: Symptom ⁤of the disease or abuse” [[1]]

“Violence against caregivers⁤ in nursing homes” [[2]]

* “Caregivers facing violence⁣ in⁢ long-term care setting” ‍ [[3]]



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