Mysterious Incident: Pregnant Woman Miraculously Survives Violent Car Accident

2023-09-12 09:13:06

It is an accident which is, for the moment, inexplicable. This Tuesday morning, around 8:30 a.m., a black Range Rover was waiting at a red light in the city center of Kalmthout (Antwerp). On board were two occupants: a young man of 28 and his pregnant wife in the passenger seat.

Suddenly, the driver stepped on the accelerator while the light was still red. Probably sick at the wheel, he crossed the intersection violently hitting four cars. The toll of this accident is heavy for the person responsible for the accident. “The driver had to be resuscitated on the spot and transported to hospital in a potentially fatal condition…” Patrick De Smet, from the Grens police zone, explains to the Gazet van Antwerpen.

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His pregnant wife miraculously escaped unharmed and without injury. “She was still taken to the hospital for follow-up examinations,” said the police.

“An epileptic seizure or something”

Vicky witnessed the accident this Tuesday morning. “I saw that there was a pregnant woman in there and I immediately tried to reassure her,” she explains to our Flemish colleagues. Relayed by the police who took charge of the lady, Vicky then went to see how the driver was doing. “I think he must have had a seizure or something.” We immediately started resuscitating him. »

In the incident, three people in the other cars, including a young child, were slightly injured.

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