“Mysterious Creature” Caught on Video: Unidentified Animal in South Carolina Waters

2023-06-03 15:46:24

A person crossing a South Carolina bridge in the United States captured a video of a “mysterious creature” in the water, which wildlife experts have not yet identified.

Ryan McKinney filmed a video clip near the south bridge leading to Pawleys Island, where what appeared to be an “unusual” fish swimming in the water.

After sending the video to the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, the answers were confused as to what kind of animal it was.

“Most people in my office are confused, but we are not the experts,” a representative of the Department of Natural Resources told a local television station.

“One of the officers said the animal might be a squid, but he was not sure,” the official said, according to the station.

The Atlantic short squid is known to live in South Carolina waters, while the longfin squid has been found frequently in the waters of nearby North Carolina.

The video was then sent to the Marine Resources Research Institute in Charleston, which is still analyzing the footage.

Meteorologist Brad Banovich speculated that the creature could be a mollusk that is not often seen in South Carolina waters.

Panovich said the fish tend to prefer the warm waters of Florida, but have been seen migrating north as the water warms in the summer.

#Video #strange #creature #baffles #marine #experts

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