Mysterious Cases: Miroslav Donutil Stars as Healer in Family Drama Series

The main role was played by Miroslav Donutil, he plays the healer Jaroslav Sezemský. He is a sad old man, a widower, who lives with his daughter in a house behind the forest.

Behind the house in the forest was also originally supposed to be the name of the series. But in the end it comes with the title Mysterious Cases. It is with them that various people turn to healers. And he solves them with the support of his partner Peter.

Two of the creators of the series, Vratislav Šlajer and Štefan Titka, admitted during the filming that they are fans of the X-Files series and others with similar themes. It is said that Miroslav Donutil also likes this genre, for whom they wrote the script directly on his body.

Photo: TV Nova

He plays with his son Martin in the series.

REPORT: Behind the house in the forest. Miroslav, Martin and Sára Donutil in one series


His healer Jaroslav understands people and their needs and sees more than others. He knows that the greatest danger lies not in the supernatural, but in humans. That’s why he wants to help them solve their problems. As one of the minor characters in the first episode said, “Ignorance is worse than pain.”

He forced himself into a healer and reincarnated perfectly. He is an actor whose performances the audience trusts. He can be the cunning servant Truffaldino in The Servant of Two Masters, the quirky Doctor Martin or the owner of the family business Róna in Atlas of Birds. In Mysterious cases, he is successfully seconded by his son Martin in the role of Peter, who wants to be by his side, and daughter-in-law Sára Donutilová, who plays his daughter, with whom he has a rather complicated relationship.

Photo: TV Nova

Also with daughter-in-law Sara

The series has a secret. Veronika Donutková’s camera plays with light and images and is able to create a mysterious and exciting atmosphere, which is underlined by Jiří Hájek’s music.

Nova and Voyo televisions decided to make a change and take a step away from classic television detective stories. In Mysterious Cases, the essence of each piece is a paranormal phenomenon that troubles someone.

Mysterious cases TV Nova, Voyo, 8 episodes. Director: Lukáš Hanulák, Andy Fehu, Jan Haluza, script: Štefan Titka, Andy Fehu, Věra Starečková, Pavel Gotthard, Petr Koubek, actors: Miroslav Donutil, Martin Donutil, Sára Donutilová and others Rating: 80%

Miroslav Donutil plays in the series with his son and daughter-in-law: We all met in front of the camera for the first time


Mysterious Cases: A Dive into the Supernatural with Miroslav Donutil

By combining humor, mystery, and family dynamics, the new series Mysterious Cases is your next binge-watch necessity.

In the captivating world of television, sometimes a title alone can give you a chuckle. Enter Miroslav Donutil, the sad, old healer at the heart of the drama, whose character, Jaroslav Sezemský, sounds like he’s been through more existential crises than you’ve had hot dinners! Picture him living behind a forest with his daughter, discussing the mysteries of the universe while dodging the latest gossip from the villagers. Now that’s what I call a prime time soap opera!

The Name Game

Originally, this series was supposed to bear the title Behind the House in the Forest. But thankfully, someone had the good sense to repackage it as Mysterious Cases. Why? Because who wouldn’t want to watch a show with a name that suggests intrigue and suspense rather than a weird therapy session with your eccentric uncle who insists on living with his pet raccoon?

Meet the Creators

Creatively directed by Lukáš Hanulák, Andy Fehu, and Jan Haluza, Mysterious Cases is the brainchild of passionate fans of the supernatural—yes, I’m looking at you, Vratislav Šlajer and Štefan Titka. Just when you thought the X-Files had left the building, here we are, witnessing their fandom embodied into a fresh series with a touch of sudsy family drama! Imagine Scully and Mulder taking a break, sitting on a therapist’s couch, as they dive into their own family issues. That’s what we have here!

A Healing Touch

Donutil’s healer understands that the biggest danger is not lurking in the shadows but sitting right next to you—possibly borrowing your last tube of toothpaste. “Ignorance is worse than pain,” claims one minor character, and let’s be real, isn’t that the motto for everyone who’s ever Googled their symptoms at 3 AM? It’s like they say, “If knowledge is power, then ignorance must be the new antihero of our times!”

The Family Affair

Adding to the intriguing mix, Donutil stars alongside his son Martin and daughter-in-law Sára Donutilová. It’s a family reunion that gives new meaning to the phrase ‘keeping it in the family.’ If your family’s idea of bonding is arguing over who forgot to take the trash out, you might just find solace in this serene portrayal of family therapy, albeit with a paranormal twist!

And while the main plot treads the supernatural, it’s the authentic performances and genuine interactions that hook you in. Who doesn’t love a good family spat that just happens to be set against a backdrop of ghostly happenings?

Visual & Auditory Aesthetics

Now, let’s not forget about the show’s cinematography—thanks to Veronika Donutková, it’s described as possessing a captivating ambiance created through clever manipulation of light and shadow. Throw in the enchanting music by Jiří Hájek, and you’ve got a recipe for not just a series, but an atmospheric experience! Watching this is like drifting through a beautifully eerie dream… without the nightmares about your maths exam, of course!

Breaking Away from Tradition

Networks like Nova and Voyo have taken a bold step away from traditional detective stories—should we applaud or clutch our pearls? With Mysterious Cases, they’ve introduced a refreshing narrative where it’s not just the obvious suspects that keep you guessing; it’s the fictional character brooding in his armchair with a noticeable avoidance of interpersonal communication. Exciting, isn’t it? Remember, laughter may be the best medicine, but in this case, healing traumas reign supreme—apparently!

With an impressive rating of 80%, Mysterious Cases promises to entertain while prompting viewers to ponder the very nature of human existence and all those quirky familial entanglements. So, grab your popcorn, turn off the lights, and immerse yourself in this series that reminds us—behind every forest, there’s possibly a therapist waiting to explore some emotional baggage!

Final Thoughts

So, can we just take a moment to appreciate the brilliance that is family therapy in a paranormal setting? If Miroslav Donutil playing a healer doesn’t convince you to watch, I don’t know what will! Join the mysterious visitations and familial complexities; after all, aren’t we all just trying to solve our own Mysterious Cases in the wild woods of life?

The central character of the series is brought to life by the talented Miroslav Donutil, who embodies the healer Jaroslav Sezemský. This complex character is portrayed as a sorrowful widower residing with his daughter in a secluded house nestled behind a dense forest, reflecting his melancholic and introspective nature.

Originally, the series was intended to bear the title “Behind the House in the Forest,” but it ultimately premiered as “Mysterious Cases.” This captivating title hints at the intriguing plots involving a variety of individuals who seek assistance from healers. Jaroslav Sezemský employs his skills to unravel their dilemmas with the aid of his devoted partner, Peter.

The creative minds behind the series, Vratislav Šlajer and Štefan Titka, openly expressed their admiration for cult classics like the X-Files and other similar storylines during the filming process. Likewise, Miroslav Donutil’s passion for this genre was a driving force, inspiring the writers to craft the script specifically tailored to his unique acting style.

His healer Jaroslav understands people and their needs and sees more than others. He knows that the greatest danger lies not in the supernatural, but in humans. That’s why he wants to help them solve their problems. As one of the minor characters in the first episode stated, “Ignorance is worse than pain.” This profound statement captures the essence of Jaroslav’s mission to alleviate human suffering.

The series features a family dynamic as Miroslav Donutil shares the screen with his son Martin, who portrays Peter, eager to support his father’s healing endeavors, while his daughter-in-law, Sára Donutilová, takes on the role of his daughter. Their relationship is depicted as intriguingly complex, adding depth to the storyline.

The series possesses an enigmatic quality, skillfully crafted through Veronika Donutková’s cinematography, which plays creatively with light and imagery to evoke a spellbinding atmosphere. The addition of Jiří Hájek’s haunting musical compositions further amplifies the suspense and intrigue embedded in the narrative.

Nova and Voyo television networks made a strategic decision to innovate their programming by stepping away from traditional detective narratives. In “Mysterious Cases,” the core of each episode revolves around a compelling paranormal phenomenon that impacts the lives of the characters, promising captivating story arcs that blend the supernatural with human emotion.

Mysterious cases TV Nova, Voyo, 8 episodes. Director: Lukáš Hanulák, Andy Fehu, Jan Haluza, script: Štefan Titka, Andy Fehu, Věra Starečková, Pavel Gotthard, Petr Koubek, actors: Miroslav Donutil, Martin Donutil, Sára Donutilová and others Rating: 80%

Miroslav Donutil plays in the series with his son and daughter-in-law: We all met in front of the camera for the first time

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