Mysterious Affair: Stormy Daniels and the Alleged Trump Scandal Unveiled

2023-09-14 15:09:12

Washington – For 20 dollars and a few bills tip, “Stormy Daniels” dropped all his clothes last weekend to the roar of the British hard rock band Def Leppard. Around 300 visitors to the “Trophy Club,” a strip bar near Greenville, South Carolina, were thrilled – including reporters from the “New York Times” and “Washington Post.”

“Make America Horny Again!” is the motto of the tour for the 38-year-old, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. And it is no coincidence that the title is reminiscent of the US President’s political slogan. Allegedly, Donald Trump had an affair with the successful porn star eleven years ago, and the story is not only catching up with the 71-year-old at the magazine displays in supermarket checkouts. It’s regarding hush money, which may have been paid from party donations, regarding double standards and, more recently, regarding a possible marital crisis since wife Melania unexpectedly canceled her trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday.

The Wall Street Journal broke the story

The story wasn’t started by a tabloid magazine, but by the conservative Wall Street Journal, whose publisher Rupert Murdoch is one of the president’s friends. The business paper reported two weeks ago that Trump’s long-time lawyer Michael Cohen transferred $130,000 to Clifford in October 2016, shortly before the US election. Cohen denies that. However, the newspaper found the account of an ominous company in the black money paradise of Delaware that is associated with Cohen. From there, the money was transferred to the porn star’s account in Los Angeles. Most US media have no doubt that it is hush money.

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Porn star “Stormy Daniels”AP

Finally, Clifford is said to have been in negotiations with television stations to tell her story in front of the camera, which had already been reported by a tabloid in 2011: how she met billionaire Trump in July 2006 at a golf tournament at Lake Tahoe, how he invited her to his hotel room, a role in his television show and an apartment in the – never built – Trump Tower Tampa and sex ensued. Allegedly, Trump then had a DVD signed by the porn star and maintained contact – at least by telephone – followingwards.

Clifford affair with explosives

The fact that Trump, as the organizer of beauty pageants, had more than one eye for the candidates and is said to have harassed them is nothing new. But the explosive nature of the Clifford affair lies somewhere else: it involves sex outside of marriage, a few months following Trump’s son Barron was born. And regarding very intimate conversations, during which the father of the family is said to have told the nude model that she was “beautiful and smart” like his daughter Ivanka. And finally, in the middle of the American sexism debate, it is revealed that the president is said to have paid a woman $130,000 in hush money.

The White House denies all of this. But the Wall Street Journal has not retracted anything. And CNN points out that First Lady Melania, who has been married to Trump since 2005, has not appeared in public since the initial report appeared. On Tuesday she surprisingly changed her travel plans for this week. Contrary to previous announcements, her spokeswoman told the broadcaster that she would not be flying to Davos, citing unspecified “scheduling and logistical reasons”. There is now speculation in the US media regarding a connection with the Clifford affair.

It’s not just Trump’s marriage that might become quite stormy as a result of the revelations. The origin of the hush money also raises questions. The non-governmental organization Common Cause has filed a complaint with the State Election Commission. She suspects that the money might have come from a campaign fund and that the party financing law was violated. Meanwhile, Clifford will perform in Oklahoma City next month. “The porn star who is worth $130,000,” advertises the organizer.

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