Mykonos: Despite the decline, Mykonos insists on investing – The new projects

There is already an investment crescendo in first-class and non-tourist destinations throughout the country, with the high figures of Greek tourism attracting the interest of Greeks and foreigners looking for safe returns.

In the foreground are first-line tourist destinations, such as Mykonos, which, despite its lag in recent years, seems to be a stable value for investors, as well as destinations that are gradually developing, gaining more and more points on the international tourist map .

New high-scale projects are in the works, while other projects that have been announced very recently are gradually being licensed and revived, with the ultimate goal of upgrading the country’s tourist services.

In Kos

Another high-end hotel is being added to Kos’ potential, as the development of a new five-star unit in Tigaki is on the horizon. The project, which is in the licensing stage, has a total capacity of 165 beds and the developer is George Monoprosopi SA of Bysaritis.

The unit under consideration will be built in an area outside the city plan and outside the settlement boundaries in “Pyla” in Tigaki, Kos, within a field with a total area of ​​18,248.04 sq.m. The project envisages the development of a central building and 9 independent room buildings, with a total capacity of 165 beds. According to the schedule, as reflected in the relevant Environmental Impact Study, the construction works are expected to be completed within 12 months from the start.

In Chania

The investment of South Cretan Holidays SA in Chania is also in the licensing process. The Department of Environmental & Spatial Planning of the Decentralized Administration of Crete approved the environmental conditions of the project regarding the construction and operation of a new classic type hotel with 88 beds, 5 star category, in the Municipal Community of Asfendos, in the Municipality of Sfakia.

The project concerns the construction and operation of a new 5-star hotel complex owned by South Cretan Holidays SA for the provision of accommodation and catering services.

The hotel will have a capacity of 28 rooms, which will be developed in 9 independent buildings, with mixed room types, while the project also foresees the construction of 28 swimming pools.

In Rethymnon

The large investment of the Cypriot Fotiadis Group in Triopetra, Rethymnon, is on track for implementation, after the approval of environmental conditions given by the decentralized Administration of Crete for the development and operation of a new 5-star hotel complex, with a capacity of 600 beds.

The investment, amounting to around 500 million euros, foresees the construction in two phases of a tourist accommodation, with the Special Purpose Company 15 appearing as the project’s development agency. As part of the first phase of the project, a hotel under the “umbrella” of an international chain and tourist residences with an area of ​​250 sq.m. are expected to be developed. up to 550 sq.m.

The residences to be built based on four different types will be fully serviced by the hotel, yet retain their privacy. During the first phase of the project, a world-class Wellness Spa, a 9-hole golf course and conference facilities will also be developed. Among other things, in fact, three tennis courts, swimming pools, an activity center for children, as well as dining areas that will highlight the local cuisine of Crete will be built.

In the second phase of the project, the creation of a tourist village is planned, which will develop around a traditional square, with shops and a church, while it will also include sports facilities, a theme park for children, etc.

The objective of the subsidiary company of the Fotiadis group, Emerald Developments, is to attract travelers with a high income profile, mainly from Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the Scandinavian countries.

Emerald Developments SA is a real estate development company based in Athens and part of the Photos Photiades Group of Cyprus, which was established in 1942 and is well known for its location in the beverage production and distribution sector and has a significant presence in Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Croatia and Slovenia.

In Rhodes

One step closer to its realization is the investment of Stefanos-Pandelis Kollakis, son of the shipowner Lou Kollakis, which has been launched in the Kiotari area of ​​Rhodes.

The Municipal Community of Asklepiou issued a positive opinion on the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) concerning the investment of 10 million euros in Southern Rhodes, essentially giving the “green light” for the implementation of the project. The operator of the investment is AKTAIALIA Hotel and Tourist Enterprises Monoprosopi S.A.

The project of Stefanos-Pandelis Kollakis envisages the construction of a 5-star hotel unit, with a capacity of 112 beds, which aims to further enrich the tourist services of the “island of knights”. According to the design, the tourist complex will consist of a central building and 9 types of apartments that will be built in complex buildings with private swimming pools. Based on the schedule, the hotel will be operational in approximately 20 months from the start of construction work.

The building factor and the coverage factor are 18%, with the permitted building and the permitted coverage amounting to 3,098.42 sq.m. on a property of approximately 17 acres, which is outside the approved zoning plan.

In Mykonos

Mykonos, one of the country’s two premium tourist destinations, remains a magnet for investors, despite the recent decline in its size. The latest high-profile business move carried out on the “island of the winds” concerns the further development of the Myconian Collection portfolio of the Daktylides family with the addition of another hotel to its portfolio. Recently the Myconian Collection acquired the “Sunrise Beach Hotel”, a luxury boutique hotel located on Agrari Beach on the “island of the winds”, further expanding its presence on the Cycladic island.

With the new acquisition, the portfolio of Myconian Collection now counts 14 hotels in Mykonos. Sunrise Beach Hotel has rooms and suites on two levels.

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