“Mykonos” and Patras, “fire” on the beaches: “Forget the free sunbeds, the services are getting more expensive – The focus calls for increases – 2024-07-11 16:59:38

The data for the operation of the beaches of the whole country changed from Thursday, when the new law was passed which aims to protect the beaches, with stricter rules in their management but also ensuring the citizens’ free access to them.


The Minister of National Economy and Finance Kostis Hatzidakis was clear in his statement: “This summer a lot will change on the beaches.”

The 7 most important changes brought regarding by the law passed on Thursday in Parliament for the utilization of public property in coastal areas are:


All auctions for the concession of seafront and beach sections will be conducted by the Real Estate Service and not by the municipalities. The process will be done digitally through an electronic platform that guarantees transparency and excludes any interventions. The auctions that will be held this year, during the first application of the law, will be completed by May 15. From 2025 onwards the procedures will be completed by March 31.


The highly protected beaches and beaches (“cheat beaches”) located in Natura areas and for which concessions and, by extension, the placement of umbrellas, sunbeds, etc., will be prohibited. The fraudulent beaches will be determined by a joint decision of the ministers of the National Economy and Finance and of the Environment and Energy following a recommendation from OFYPEKA.

free access

Limits are set on the beaches that will be granted for exploitation, in order to ensure the passage of citizens and that there are sufficient free spaces. Specifically, at least 50% of the beach must remain free and at the same time the area of ​​each concession cannot exceed 500 square meters. The umbrella seats can occupy up to 60% of the allocated area or 30% for beaches located in Natura areas that have not been classified as fraudulent. There must be a distance of at least 6 meters between the concessions (3 meters on each side, or 4 meters in the case of businesses operating in adjacent buildings) and the umbrella seats must be at least 4 meters from the sea.


Nine specific obligations are established in all cases, which are provided for by law but will also be included in the concession agreement. Specifically, the concessionaire ensures the free passage of the public, the use of the beach and the beach for people with disabilities, limits the development of umbrellas, sunbeds, keeps the section clean, hangs in a visible place on the beach or the beach a sign, which allows for the public to have access, places mobile elements to serve the public, ensures the presence of a lifeguard, as long as this obligation is not covered by the relevant municipality.


A digital application is created for mobile phones, tablets, etc. which will be available free of charge to citizens. Each concession will correspond to a QR code, which will be posted on the website of the State Real Estate Service, on the website of the relevant municipality and on the sign marking the seafront or the beach that must be placed at the point


With the new law, it is foreseen that new technologies (drones, satellites) will be used to make the controls of the beaches by the State more effective. At the same time, an integrated control mechanism is created, with mixed levels of control.


Penalties are scaled according to the gravity of the violation and in particular whether there is a contract and the concessionaire has exceeded the concession or there is none, in which case it is an arbitrary occupation. In any case, the umbrellas and sunbeds are removed, while if there are illegal constructions they are demolished. In cases of arbitrary occupation, the business in the occupied area is sealed and shut down, the area is sealed with tape and entry is prohibited as well as any economic activity in it.


As soon as the bill was put into consultation, the “Peloponnisos” newspaper had presented the fierce reaction of the municipal authority of Patras to the changes that have now become the law of the state.

The new bill for utilization of public property in coastal areas will change the facts on the coasts of Achaia as well, with the two largest municipalities of the Prefecture preparing for the changes. At the political level, the position of the Municipality of Patras is known.

THE deputy mayor of Dionysis Plessas Administration had pointed out through “Peloponnisos”: “For us it is axiomatic that the beaches must be free and accessible to the people. With the bill, the government says it will regulate sunbeds and umbrellas, but it leaves the municipalities out of any responsibility. We consider that they commercialize the beaches”.

In addition, ehe has expressed his objections to the way the electronic auctions will be conducted, pointing out that “the leases will have a three-year duration with tax rates in favor of business groups. These investors will cut money while exploiting the beaches.”

Continuing his criticism, Mr. Plessas also criticized the bill’s provision for “deceitful beaches”. “Not even a drop in the ocean is the planned solution. There will be no protection on these beaches. We’ve seen what happens. Private exploitation will simply be moved a little further.”

Finally, Dionysis Plessas and the municipal authority of Patras estimate that the new law comes as a continuation of a law of 2023. “They have already created a problem for us in Plaz, Kastellokambos and Bozaitika. The beaches there are classified as tourist and they handed them over to the Superfund. Last summer we mightn’t even put canteens on these beaches and we mobilized. In fact, we were in Athens with the mayor, but there was no satisfaction in our requests. Now they are expanding their action to the government and only the Ministry of Finance will have a say on the beaches. They close the beaches and bathers will enter these sections by paying an entrance fee. We will stand in the way of their plans that facilitate business interests. The coast belongs to the people” said the deputy mayor of Administration and Finance of the Municipality of Patreon.


«We became Mykonos, but only in fees and expenses» comment the entrepreneurs of catering in Patrasthe decision of the municipal authority to sharply increase the fees for occupying common spaces on pedestrian streets, squares and beaches, up to 300%.

Especially the catering businesses which also take advantage of beaches with sunbeds, in the summer they will be asked to pay a rent of more than 500 euros per day, for an area of ​​500 sq.m. something that legally leads to the charging of each set of sunbeds with Aegean and Ionian island prices, i.e. 20 – 30 euros.

This conclusion is not arbitrary. It is said by general secretary of SKEANA and restaurant entrepreneur in the Rio area, Takis Matthaiopoulos, who speaking to «Peloponnisos FM 104,1» emphasized that a business that rents beach chairswill pay next summer to the municipality, amount 17,500 euros from the 5,500 euros he was paying until now.

This the cost is prohibitive for many businesses, said Mr. Matthaiopoulos, predicting that many of his colleagues will not rent beaches next summer. But, those who do, will certainly ask for less space for rent, which means less revenue.


“I believe that this year there will be no free sunbeds on the beaches of Achaia, not even by any stretch of the imagination with the rental prices we saw. Sunbeds will be charged as in the Aegean and Ionian islands and not with 5-10 euros.” And when we asked him, how much, he replied “20-30 euros for sure. How else will the costs come out of the fees that the municipality asks us to pay? You know, businesses calculate an operating cost and add a profit percentage. Well, if we keep the profit percentage constant, the extra expenses we will have from what the municipal authority asks us to, must pass on to the final consumer who is the customer of every business”, said Mr. Matthaiopoulos.

Obviously, athe same charge will apply to the items served for consumption, be it coffee, drinks and food. In the center of Patras, the increase in occupancy fees averages 100%, said Mr. Matthaiopoulos. “And when a business that pays 5,000-6,000 euros a year for table seats, is suddenly asked to pay twice as much, this will be passed on to the price of the coffee and to every other service provided, otherwise, how else will it be able to survive”, asked the general secretary of SKEANA.

In essence, occupancy fee increases act as accuracy feedback in a vicious circle where the biggest loser is the consumer.

“The same is done by the central government, which at the moment it denounces the businesses for the accuracy, itself restores the VAT on coffee and beverages to 24% from 13% that had fallen in recent years” added Mr. Matthaiopoulos.

In addition, Mr. Matthaiopoulos noted that there is also the new law on the exploitation of the beach, which provides for much stricter penalties, such as fines four times the fee charged by the municipality for each square meter exceeding the limits of the contract.

«We all expected an increase in the context of inflation, 5, 10, 15 or 20%. And we would be fine with that. But, a 300% increase? It is too big and will create huge problems for businesses. And of liquidity and profitability and a burden on consumers who will not be able to pay these price increases”, stressed the governor. of SKEANAS, where accused the City Council of seeing the focus as the ‘easy target’ and that he is delusional if he thinks he will get a dividend from businesses that have excessive profits.

And when asked by “P” how they will justify any increases to their customers, Mr. Matathiopoulos was clear: “We know what we will do. When we raise the price of coffee, we will say, the municipal authority made it expensive. We will announce the price increases and show who is responsible.”


“P” had also presented their previous days comparative tables to make it distinct how much are the table seating fees increasing of the restaurants in the streets of Patras but also of the surrounding communities.

Today, he isolated the differences seen in coastal areas, where the biggest increases are taking place.
It is noted that from this year, on the eight beaches designated as crowded, restaurant operators will have to pay €35/m2 to set up table seats or sunbeds.


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