2023-10-12 07:59:08
Time is running out for housing renovation. On January 1, 2025, it will be prohibited to rent a property whose DPE (Energy Performance Diagnosis) is G. More than 670,000 apartments or houses are affected in France, according to Patrice Vergriete, Minister of Housing. To encourage the French to do more work, the government has decided to pull out all the stops. In 2024, five billion euros will be allocated for aid for energy renovation. Or 1.6 billion euros more.
The objective? Improve the DPE of 2 million homes in 2024. Among them, 200,000 will need to undergo a comprehensive renovation: change heating, windows or even insulate walls or attics. A (very) ambitious objective because currently, these multi-works only concern 65,000 housing units. “This is an area for improvement», We recognize in the entourage of Christophe Béchu, Minister of Ecological Transition. To this end, the government has decided to change the rules.
To benefit from Ma Prime Rénov’ assistance, owners of energy-intensive housing (DPE classified F or G) must commit to carrying out at least two works. “For example, they will have to replace their old boiler with a heat pump and insulate their walls or carry out two insulations», Explains the Ministry of Energy Transition. In the case of a “mono-action”, My Renovation Bonus will only be paid to owners of properties whose DPE is classified between A and E, and therefore more for those who own thermal strainers.
Ask your bank for an eco-PTZ
What regarding aid? Here once more, there is something new. Because to encourage households, especially the most modest, to carry out several works, we must help them financially. The government has decided to increase aid to reduce the amount that owners will have to pay out of pocket. Thus, a couple with a child who earns 25,000 euros per year and owns a house classified “F”, will receive, in 2024, total aid of around 60,000 euros for work costing more than 70,000 euros (wall insulation using exterior, installation of a heat pump, roof insulation, ventilation, change of windows, solar protection) necessary to upgrade the DPE to B. Another example: a couple without children who receive 35,000 euros per year. To increase the DPE of their house from G to D, these owners will pay more than 53,000 euros for work (wall insulation, heat pump, roof insulation and ventilation). They will benefit from aid of just over 30,000 euros in 2024.
In both cases, the remaining cost, although significantly lower than that which the owners would have paid in 2023, is still very high (between 10,000 and 23,000 euros). “To finance it, households can benefit from a eco-PTZ (which was extended until the end of the five-year term, in 2027) that they can request from their bank», underlines within the government which calls for a “mobilisation collective“. Banks therefore but also craftsmen. However, the sector lacks workers. To triple the overall renovations, efforts are needed in this area. According to France Stratégie, 200,000 additional professionals are needed by 2030. Last difficulty and not the least: improving the reliability of the DPE. Tool that Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance, wants to modify. “The DPE is reliable but improvablewe recognize in Christophe Béchu’s entourage. Work is underway and announcements will be made in the coming weeks to make it more reliable, particularly in condominiums and for small areas.»
#Renovation #Bonus #change #home