"My family didn’t want the marriage, I was dealt a blow" – Odatv

Experienced football player Umut Meraş, who plays for Eyüpspor, one of the Super League teams, made sincere statements in a special interview.

Experienced football player Umut Meraş, who plays for Eyüpspor, one of the Super League teams, made special statements to Play Spor. Talking about the disappointments he experienced while playing for Beşiktaş, the 28-year-old player announced that he was hit by his family. Here are Umut Meraş’s statements…


“Before I came here, Eyüpspor had a special place in my heart because of Arda Hodja. “I think we got good results in our first year until the national break.”


We determined our goal together with our teacher Arda. Every community has a goal. We have a dream that we talk about among friends. Arda Hodja has something to say to me. I have a watch that I like very much. Arda Hodja said, “If we go to Europe, I will give it to you.”

“Even though I am resentful, BEŞİKTAŞ HAS A SPECIAL PLACE”

“Beşiktaş has a very special place in my heart. I won 2 trophies there in 3 seasons. I’m a little angry at Beşiktaş. Beşiktaş went badly for me. The fans were a little too hard on me. However, they always have a special place. “I still follow Beşiktaş’s matches.”


“I had problems with my family in my last two years at Beşiktaş. That’s why I couldn’t play for two years. You cannot tell some of your private things to the coach, the president or the fans. While playing for Beşiktaş, I dealt with my family for two periods. Difficulties were caused to me when I got married. I was hit by the person closest to me. I struggled with these in Beşiktaş. I received psychologist support. My wife became my supporter. If it had been anyone else, maybe he would have left. When I went on the field, I could not give the performance I wanted. This is partly why Beşiktaş went so bad. I came to Beşiktaş willingly. If they had been a little more patient, I could have given a performance. “Everyone can experience anything in life.”


“I went to the National Team of Bursaspor. We were relegated that season. All the players left. When the camp period came, I had 10 salaries left inside. If I had given it to a lawyer, I would have been left idle. While I was idle at 5 in the evening, I signed a contract to earn money for Bursaspor because I had no money to pay. The French team paid 1.5 million Euros in cash. Bursaspor made most of the transfers during that period through my transfer. After I left, the president of that period did not keep his promise and did not pay my money. I had to give it to a lawyer. Instead of going to the club for free, I went to the club by making money. This situation hurt me. I did nothing wrong with Bursaspor. Bursaspor has a special place in my heart.”


There are important strikers in the Super League such as Immobile, Icardi, Osimhen and Mame Thiam. “I also really like Ahmed Kutucu, who was recently selected for the national team.”


“I joined the Eyüpspor camp 1 week late. I had friends. I’m talking to all of them. They told me ‘don’t come’. How did I agree to come? They said, ‘We are doing 3 training sessions.’ I came on the first day and the teacher said to see me tomorrow at 6 in the morning. Usually it’s a joke, they do this, I didn’t believe it. It’s 5:30 in the morning and it’s pitch black. Quick strength training before even having breakfast. We are like commandos. It was 12 noon and we had 2 training sessions. There is still evening practice. He transferred Coach Simeone’s training to us. “We had a busy and tiring week.”


I joined Le Havre in France late. The first 3 matches have passed. While the team was going away, the coach said, “You will have 3 days off to tour the city.” Since the club could not provide a car, the coach gave me his own car. While giving the keys, he said: “Have an accident, do everything, nothing will happen to you.” There are also rackets in the trunk. Federer’s rackets. “Nothing should happen to him,” he said. We went to Paris and walked around the streets with our friends with rackets so that nothing would happen to the rackets. We are going to dinner with our rackets. People are looking at us and wondering what they are doing. “I said to the teacher, ‘You gave me the car and we rode around with a shuttlecock for 3 days.'”


“When I was young, I tried out with Galatasaray for 4 months. At that time, Arda Turan had an injury. They let coach Arda train with the group I was with. To recover from his injury. “We trained with coach Arda in the same group for 5 days that period.”


Umut Meraş’s Interview: A Whirlwind of Emotions and Football

Ah, who doesn’t love a bit of drama on the football pitch? And if there’s one player who knows about that, it’s our friend Umut Meraş from Eyüpspor. Recently, he opened up about his journey from the iconic Beşiktaş to the hustle and bustle of Eyüpspor, and believe me, it’s juicier than a kebab stand on match day!

The Turan Factor: Eyüpspor’s Secret Ingredient

First off, it seems our friend Umut has a big soft spot for Arda Hodja. Apparently, he wasn’t just led by the promise of playing football; his affection for Eyüpspor had a “Turan factor” behind it. I mean, who wouldn’t want to play for a team that sounds poetic when named? “Even before I came, Eyüpspor had a special place in my heart because of Arda Hodja,” he expressed. Just imagine if all players had a map with hearts on the clubs they fancied—they’d need GPS!

Dreaming of Europe: A Watch and a Goal

Moving on, there’s talk about dreaming big. Meraş laid down some ambitions that were more transparent than a goalkeeper’s gloves: “If we go to Europe, Arda Coach will give his time.” A watch, mind you! A dream and a watch—nothing screams “football romance” like that! But hey, let’s be honest, when you’re chasing European glory, sometimes time is the last thing players want! They just hope that the clock stops during the game long enough to score a goal!

Feeling a Bit Resentful Towards Beşiktaş

Now, let’s address the elephant in the locker room. You’ve got to love the honesty. Meraş claimed he “has a special place” for Beşiktaş, yet, wait for it—he’s feeling a tad resentful! “I’m a little angry at Beşiktaş. Beşiktaş went badly for me. The fans were a little too hard on me.” Sweetheart, if you think that’s harsh, you should hear what they say about me on bad hair days!

The Family Hit and the Struggle

In an emotional turn, Meraş revealed, “I was hit by my family.” Now, unless he’s talking about a left footed shot to the shin, that sounds rather grim. Seriously though, dealing with family issues is never easy, especially when you mix it with marital problems. “I struggled with these in Beşiktaş. I received psychologist support,” he confessed. It’s a good thing to know he had his wife’s support; let’s hope she isn’t keeping score of who’s doing the dishes!

On the Bursaspor Saga: Playing for Keeps

The plot thickens! Meraş refuted any blame towards Bursaspor, clarifying, “I did nothing wrong with Bursaspor.” For a player getting paid, that sounds exactly like something I’d expect from a disgruntled mate after a bad night out. “I signed a contract…to earn money for Bursaspor because I had no money to pay.” Now there’s loyalty, but mixed with economic desperation—talk about playing for the dinner table!

Spotlight on Super League’s Strikers

Kudos to Meraş for giving a shoutout to the competition. He mentioned big names like Immobile, Icardi, and Osimhen, but then topped it off with Ahmed Kutucu. Now, that’s a name to remember! Be careful, Umut, you might be setting up a friendly competition before you know it!

Tales from the Eyüpspor Camp—Commando Style!

Let’s talk training! When he joined Eyüpspor, they sounded about as welcoming as a secret military operation. He said, “We are like commandos.” What, were they organising a takeover at halftime? I can just picture him waking up on day one, caffeinated and dreading the thought of “3 training sessions.” I don’t know about you, but I can barely manage 3 Netflix episodes, let alone training sessions!

Paris Beckons with Federer’s Rackets

And lastly, onto a story that could only be described as “luxury problems.” Meraş decided to take a joyride in Paris with his coach’s car, laden with Federer’s rackets in the trunk. “We went to Paris…with our rackets. People are looking at us and wondering what they are doing.” I could just imagine the locals thinking, “Is this some avant-garde wrestling match?” Talk about sporting frivolity!

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it! Umut Meraş, a man of football, emotion, and a few too many anecdotes for my liking—he’s shown us that life in football isn’t just about trophies and glory; it’s messy, comical, and filled with unexpected twists. And let’s be clear—next time you think you’re having a bad day, just remember: at least you’re not trying to wrangle a career with that much drama!

Stay tuned for more delightful escapades in the world of football, and remember, if life serves you lemons, just make sure to throw a football at them!



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