Muted Outrage: The World’s Deafening Silence as Hezbollah Rains Missiles on Israel

Christian Campigli

07 October 2024

“Those on the left who are not capable of saying that October 7 was an inhuman, sadistic act of terrorism, not comparable to the anti-fascist and anti-Nazi resistance, give an interpretation of history that is incompatible with mine.” Emanuele Fiano, former parliamentarian of the Democratic Party, has always been on the front line against the outbursts of hatred towards the Jewish people.

Is there a problem of anti-Semitism within the left?
«There is a very serious problem of anti-Semitism with a progression that for decades has been linked to the evolution of the Middle Eastern situation. I am against this continuous hunt for left-wing anti-Semitism, but I am unscrupulous when I identify equivocal attitudes in my political party. Criticizing Benjamin Netanyahu for his choices and the actions of his government is not anti-Semitism, but making judgments on Israel using a different yardstick from that used for others can become so. I lament that on the left until October 7th no one ever said a word about the tens of thousands of missiles launched by Hamas into Israel and after October 7th, by Hezbollah into Israel.”

Why, in your opinion, is the Democratic Party unable to deal with anti-Semitism and say a definitive word on the topic?
«There is no doubt that the Democratic Party fights against anti-Semitism. The Democratic Party has never participated in any of the Propal demonstrations. The Democratic Party is two states for two peoples, like myself, it is very harsh in its criticism of Netanyahu and has always called for a ceasefire, this in some moments has cooled the relationship like the Jewish communities perhaps, but it would be a mistake on both sides leave if this continues.”

That guilty silence from the left

On Saturday, in Rome, antagonists and anarchists set the city on fire. What solutions should be adopted to prevent certain episodes from recurring?
«Demonstrations must not be prohibited, unless the public security authorities already have news of a danger to public order or of the commission of crimes, such as for example condoning terrorism. In the case of October 5th, it was clear, even after the official Palestinian representation withdrew, that in that unauthorized demonstration there would not only have been words of peace and handshakes.”

The accomplices of October 7th. The square cheers Hamas and the left remains silent

In Milan an obscene sign publicly offended Liliana Segre. What nightmare have we ended up in?
«The cartel on Liliana Segre, for me almost an aunt having been like my father in Auschwitz, is a dangerous anti-Semitic cartel, which identifies Liliana as a target, offering her up to those who already force her to live at the age of 93 under guard for the sole purpose of guilt of having survived the Lager and identifying her refusal to call the dramatic war in Gaza with its frightening cost in human lives as “Genocide”, claiming to know well what a Genocide is. A Genocide is first of all the plan to eliminate a people completely, no Israeli leader or politician has ever professed this intention, ever. Is this happening to the Palestinians? Liliana Segre’s opinion refers to this. No, this is not happening. They are two different things.”

Universities boycotted for journalists “friends of Israel”, imams who speak of support for terrorists. How can similar phenomena be combated?
“We live in a liberal democracy, anyone who prevents others from speaking or encourages the commission of a crime such as terrorism must be prosecuted by law.”

Anarchists, far left and trade unions: here are the usual idiots in black

#word #left #Hezbollah #missiles #Israel #Tempo



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