Musk publishes a photo mocking NASA

Elon Musk, the world’s richest man and CEO of Tesla, as well as SpaceX, the space operator, posted a tweet on his Twitter account of a picture mocking the US space agency, NASA.

The tweet included an image of a marble countertop in my home kitchen, with the surface resembling a newly captured image of the universe by the James Webb Telescope.

The image published by NASA two days ago received great media attention, and is the first image it publishes of the new telescope that succeeds the Hubble telescope, and may make a leap in space discoveries.

And appears in James Webb’s image of many very distant galaxies, as he is expected to take pictures of galaxies and places 13.5 billion light years away from us.

The image of the marble surface is very similar to the image of galaxies taken by James Webb and published by NASA, and written above the image, “Good try, NASA,” as if its publisher was telling NASA that he had exposed and deceived it, and demanded that the agency try once more to deceive humanity.

It is not surprising that images are spread that attempt to undermine scientific research, facts and theories, and this is one of them, and many others, as they remind us of the allegations that NASA did not go to the moon with evidence that the United States flag should not have fluttered there because there is no air that moves it, claiming that Filming was done on Earth, not on the Moon.

It was not clear whether Musk had posted this photo just as a joke or to ridicule the conspiracy theorists who always try to refute space discoveries.



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