Published on 07.04.2022
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Bulle” The Friborg Clarinet Choir presents Little Red Riding Hood to music at the Tréteaux de Chalamala theatre.
There is the small clarinet (in E flat), the B flat clarinet (the one we know best, tuned in B flat), the alto clarinet, the bass clarinet as well as the largest, the double bass: the clarinet actually forms a whole family! That the Friborg Clarinet Choir tirelessly continues to defend and illustrate. It is also a very important family of instruments for all the Friborg wind orchestras which evolve in harmony formation (with woodwinds and not only brass).
The new project of the Chœur de clarinettes de Fribourg, to be seen this weekend in Bulle, at the Théâtre des Tréteaux de Chalamala, is devoted to the tale Le Petit chaperon rouge, in a musical version signed by the Lille musician Thibaut Bétrancourt. It brings together nine clarinettists, not forgetting percussion, under the direction of Jean-D