Mushrooms, our future enemies?

2023-05-29 11:12:20

Home > In brief > Mushrooms, our future enemies? written on May 29, 2023 at 1:12 p.m. Article published in the newspaper nº 113

Global warming is likely to create new enemies for us: pathogenic fungiand more specifically the proliferation ofAspergillus fumigatus. The latter is responsible for severe infections in humans, such as allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and aspergilloma. These pathogenic fungi prove to be particularly adept at adapting to warmer temperatures. And if our high body temperature (37°C) has long protected us from these fungi, which are more accustomed to cooler temperatures, their ability to adapt is very likely to multiply the prevalence of infections. Besides the global warming, heavy rains and rising sea levels are all master classes in teaching fungi to adapt and above all to thrive in new environments, even if they have been hostile to them. And you understood it, this risks significantly increasing the population of fungi that are pathogenic for humans. But just as trouble flies, environmental transformations lead researchers to believe they might even affect the “good” mushrooms, used to pharmacopoeia or foodand which might potentially become pathogenic.

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