After examinations carried out on Wednesday, Real Madrid announced that their striker Kylian Mbappé suffered from an injury to the biceps femoris of his left leg. The striker left in the 80th minute of the match against Alavés (3-2) on Tuesday after a muscular alert. During the match, he stood out by scoring his team’s second goal after a superb action with Jude Bellingham.
Real Madrid has not communicated the length of unavailability but this injury could keep Mbappé away from the field for around three weeks. He will miss the weekend’s clash in La Liga against Atlético de Madrid and potentially the Champions League match against Lille (October 2), the reception of Villarreal in La Liga (October 5) and the next selection meeting with the Blues . Didier Deschamps will announce his next list on October 3 to reveal the team that will face Israel (October 10) then Belgium (October 14).