Murder Mystery Unfolds in Ali Al-Nahri: The Mysterious Case of Muhammad Ibrahim Mahdi

2023-08-15 11:53:43

While the mayor of Ali Al-Nahri Ahmed Al-Mazbouh hides from view, silence prevails in his town regarding the killing of his justice, Muhammad Ibrahim Mahdi yesterday evening, as the forensic doctor, Ali Salman, stated that he died of a bullet that penetrated his chest from the right side to exit from the side of the heart, minutes following a visit he made The mayor took her to Mahdi’s house, only to discover that the bullet had come from a gun that was in the possession of al-Mazbouh.

No accurate information regarding the accident and its causes yet. However, the facts proven by the security and judicial services are that the slaughtered man went to the victim’s house, who asked his wife to bring water, and when she left the room, he heard the sound of gunfire, following which the mayor disappeared from sight.

Predicting the crime hypothesis
While the judicial sources adhere to the confidentiality of the investigations, Al-Modon suggested the hypothesis of the “crime” and its social causes, noting that the Public Prosecution obtained the phone of the victim to see what evidence it might carry in this context, in addition to issuing subpoenas once morest the victim and circulating them to all All the security services, including Information, Investigation, and Army Intelligence, did not show, until the preparation of this report, any efforts to extradite him or himself to the judiciary.

These judicial data come at a time when there has been a decline in the town’s talk regarding Mahdi’s death in a retaliatory operation, following what Mahdi’s family showed in terms of controlling their emotions, and their lack of any reaction to what happened. Information is circulating in the town regarding attempts to present the hypothesis that Mahdi was killed by a bullet fired from the gun of Al-Mazboh by mistake. In this context, news is published regarding al-Mazbouh communicating with his family and confirming to them that he did not intend to kill Mahdi, and there are other conversations regarding his post-accident communication with his brother and his request for him to bring an ambulance for the victim. However, judicial sources put these data within the framework of “chatters” that cannot constitute legal evidence, unless the victim surrendered himself to tell himself what happened with him, and try to provide evidence of his innocence.

The paradox of the matter is that the preliminary evidence confirms the direct involvement of a mayor in the killing of his townsman and his wife. He is the one who is supposed to be keen on applying the law and establishing it in his town, at least in terms of renouncing unauthorized weapons. Thus, whether what the slaughtered person was involved in was an accident or a crime, as soon as he disappeared from view, he would have resorted in both cases to the usual stereotypes in societies that seek to solve their affairs by clan methods.

And Ahmed Al-Mazbouh is the mayor who won the confidence of Hezbollah for more than one election cycle. He comes from the largest Ali al-Nahri family, which, despite the emergence of some political diversity, is dominated by Hezbollah over its social and political environment. This is at a time when the sources confirm that the slaughtered and Mahdi are the children of this environment, with the family of the slaughtered being superior to it in number of its members, and the political and social favor it enjoys, in addition to the relations of intermarriage and kinship that unites it with most of the town’s families.

An attempt to “pick up” the crime… politically
While some monitored the recording of Mahdi’s family as a reproach for the timidity of the efforts made to hand over the mayor to a fair trial, the sources saw the disappearance of the massacred man, or his concealment, as an attempt to buy time in order to secure political intervention, that might seek to “pick up” the crime/incident and find its mitigating causes.

Note that the Mahdi family issued a statement yesterday followingnoon, calling on “Hezbollah to work to hand over the perpetrator to the official authorities as it is a ‘leader’. The family condemned the “hand of treachery and betrayal that affected one of its sons,” expressing its confidence in the security and judicial services to punish the perpetrator.

In contrast to the family’s refusal to bury the victim before handing over the “culprit” to the concerned authorities, it became clear that the repercussions of this crime may not end with the surrender of the victim to himself, but rather it will relax its negative effects on the future of the municipality of Ali al-Nahri, which was extended to him, following the owner of the executive authority in it turned into a fugitive from justice. At best, he lost his capacity to manage its affairs.

#Jarbama #Ali #alNahri #Adela #killed #hiding #political #attempts #wrap #case



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