2023-04-27 12:20:23
Virginia Lopo:While in Spain increases the employment thanks to the policies of the PSOE, in the Region of Murcia decreases for the failure of the policies of López Miras”
The socialist deputy regrets the inaction oflregional government, that the first concern of citizens is not taken seriously: having and keeping a job
“As of May 28, we will have a regional government, led by Pepe Vélez, which will takeWe buy seriously the main concerns of the citizenry and will work to solve the real problems of the peoplehow is the job”
The socialist regional deputy Virginia Lopo has indicated that, while in Spain job creation increases thanks to the PSOE policies, in the Region of Murcia it decreases because the economic policies of López Miras are a failure and, in addition, he deceives citizens when they affirm that they are going to create employment.
In this sense, he explained that, unlike what happens in the rest of Spain, jobs have been lost in the Region of Murcia and not even Easter has prevented the downward trend in job creation in a regional labor market whose signs of identity are precariousness, temporality and seasonality, following 28 years of PP governments.
Lopo has made these statements following knowing the latest data from the Active Population Survey (EPA), which reflects a decrease in the number of active workers in the Region of Murcia. Specifically, in the first quarter of the year there were 7,600 fewer active workers than in the same period last year.
However, 20.45 million people work in Spain, which represents an increase of 368,000 employees compared to the same period last year. This is the best figure recorded in the first quarter of the year for 15 years (since 2008).
“In other words, while employment is holding up well throughout Spain despite the crisis, in the Region of Murcia jobs are lost every quarter due to the inaction of a regional government that does not take seriously the first concern of citizens: having and keep the job”, said the socialist deputy.
Finally, Virginia Lopo has assured that the Region of Murcia needs a regional government and a president who takes seriously the main concerns of the citizenry, such as employment. “From May 28 we will have that government led by Pepe Vélez.”
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