The former president of the Chamber of Deputies, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, revealed that the Mexican embassy in Cuba was offered to him and he has accepted, but is waiting to discuss it with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. “I accepted because I can think the same here as there, and because my health would benefit a lot… What I can do here, I can do there. I insist that I accepted, not because I want to return to the fold. I accepted for him out of respect for the Mexican state. If I talk to the president, it would be important to talk to him, I haven’t seen him since I put the sash on him. Well, until I left the presidency (of the Chamber’s board of directors, in 2020),’ he explained in an interview.
Trajectory. Porfirio Muñoz Ledo has been in politics for 55 years since he accepted his first public office in 1963.
Muñoz Ledo, today a member of Morena, but critical of that party and of some federal government policies, such as immigration, insisted that he wants to make it clear that he has always made harsh judgments, but he does not mean that he is part of the opposition. In an interview with the journalist Elisa Alanís for her YouTube channel, and entitled “Critic and good dancer: the life of Porfirio Muñoz Ledo”, the former deputy spoke regarding his career and his future, at which time he referred to the invitation that was made to him via the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López, and that he accepted, but stated that he will seek to meet with the president. “I am very moderate, I want to tell you that I am not the head of the opposition, nor am I on the right. I am a free citizen, republican and democrat. They are taking me, they want to take me as an instrument of the right and I am not going to let myself go, but I am not going to stop being critical either. “I am critical of the things in which I do not agree because I have always been, I want it to be understood, that is why I have told you my life. With all the presidents, with all my bosses I have been critical. But he insisted “I am not a member of the opposition, I am an actor in a movement that is supposed to coincide with this government, and I do not say (criticism) from the outside, I say it from within.”
In the interview, although he initially refused to do political futurism, he ended up making some predictions, among them, he stated that Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard will be on the ballot (for 2024): “For the government or for the opposition.” In his analysis, the president “is creating alternative candidates and they are throwing the ball around so that there is more internal competition… as I have always been a Democrat, I would like there to be more internal competition, as we fought for in 1988.” Muñoz Ledo has been a deputy, a senator and maintains the status of ambassador as he was Mexico’s representative to the United Nations.