Municipality Takes Legal Action Against Stib for Metro Nuisance: Residents’ Rights and Legal Framework

2023-11-16 10:56:44

According to the municipal authorities, the measures announced by the Stib did not make it possible to permanently eliminate the nuisance. In a press release, they also deplore the inability of the regional Minister of the Environment, Alain Maron, to respond quickly to the municipality’s requests. They concern the strengthening of the legal framework to, for example, require the reduction of metro speeds as well as the establishment of a permanent control system for these nuisances.

The decision to take legal action before the Brussels Court of First Instance for the damage caused by excessive neighborhood disturbance must be validated by the municipal council on November 20. It was also announced to residents a few days ago. The municipality has made a commitment to citizens who would like to take part in this process to cover the legal costs.

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