Municipality of Pilar plans to create a fund for Seed Capital for entrepreneurs

Asunción, IP Agency.- During the development of the Panel on “IncuCAE Public Policy for the territorial promotion of entrepreneurs”, within the framework of the National Forum of Mipymes 2024, the role of municipalities in the creation of public policies was discussed, as a support for the local entrepreneurial ecosystem and its importance for the economic development of cities.

In that sense, the mayor of Pilar, Fernando Ramírez, highlighted the commitment and coordination between institutions such as the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, through the IncuCAE that already functions fully in the premises of the communal institution.

He announced that in November it will be announced that the commune will allocate a significant percentage of the municipal patent concept to the creation of a fund for Seed Capital for entrepreneurs.

The communal chief expressed that it may possibly be one of the first experiences, in which the municipality with its own resources will provide funds for Seed Capital for entrepreneurs. He emphasized that we are not just talking about the fund or the money, because in this process entrepreneurs must be accompanied with training. He maintained that without a doubt it is a true commitment to human capital in the communities.

This program also includes other benefits for those who generate business and economic development in the city of Pilar, such as the possibility of accessing the differentiated municipal license, attraction of young innovators and the development of the Ciudad Pilar Brand.

He maintained that from the beginning of his administration he was focused, through IncuCAE, on raising awareness for the formalization of companies at work, in the community, training more than 1,000 people on trademark registration, financial education and in other important areas.

Return to taxpayer

In turn, Juan Paredes, head of the National Directorate of Entrepreneurship of the Vice Ministry of Mipymes, explained that the vision of the mayor of Pilar is to develop a municipal support program for entrepreneurs, which consists of several actions linked to the IncuCAE of Pilar, such as a go further with the establishment of an annual fund to support entrepreneurs, whose source could be mainly commercial patents, to give a sense of return to the taxpayer.

At this point he pointed out that giving a small return to the commercial taxpayer, who generates business, economic development in the district, supporting the start of new businesses. Then the taxpayer who generates economic development of the district can also see that their taxes generate new commercial opportunities in the city, he said.

As another idea, he indicated that the Pilar municipality is being analyzed to grant certain periods of exemption from the commercial license to new businesses that are opened through IncuCAE. That is, if an entrepreneur was attended to by the IncuCAE and as a result of this the birth of a business is generated, he or she can benefit from the exemption from paying the patent.

He maintained that this marks a before and after in terms of the involvement of the authorities at the most basic territorial level, which are the municipalities, and that they also begin to get involved in the economic development of entrepreneurs and MSMEs, he stressed.

#Municipality #Pilar #plans #create #fund #Seed #Capital #entrepreneurs
2024-09-29 04:21:57



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