“Municipalities must be dealt with”

Table of Contents

“My constant position is that the Municipalities must be treated not in terms of competence, but in terms of real possibility. With horizontal general policies and non-specialized approaches we cannot move forward in the Self-Government” underlined Mr. Hardalias and added: “Each Municipality is a cog in a wider mechanism. We all know very well that it is enough for one gear to break to stop the whole mechanism from working properly.”

The Regional Mayor of Attica pointed out that the citizens ask to see actions in their daily lives, as “the measurable result is the essential criterion”, while he reiterated the necessity for the establishment of a new legislative framework, which will clearly define the jurisdictions of the Municipalities, with the aim of efficiency: “It’s time to end the blame carousel. I have said many times that for every problem there must be someone responsible – one to plan, always in collaboration with the central government, one to implement, one to be accountable,” he emphasized.

He even added that an equally basic condition is the sufficient financing of the Local Government for the implementation of the necessary projects: “Of course, for all large sections, the necessary resources are also required. Competences without the necessary funding are an empty letter”.

As Mr. Hardalias noted, “in our efforts we have a valuable ally. And this is none other than the competent Minister of the Interior, Thodoris Livanios, a man who knows in depth the Self-Government and its problems”, while he also referred to their excellent – as he described it – personal relationship, “which was forged in the era of the most dangerous crises. As then, so now I am sure that he is by our side,” he added.

Nikos Hardalias: The message to the mayors of Attica

Addressing in a personal tone to the Mayors of Attica, Mr. Hardalias expressed his joy for his participation in the process, due to his own long-term presence in the field, as, as he said, “I have dedicated more than half of my my life I know your anxieties, worries, dilemmas you are experiencing very well, I have experienced them for almost 20 years when I served the Municipality of Byron, 12 of them as Mayor”.

Concluding his presentation, the Regional Governor of Attica expressed his optimism for the consultation that officially begins next week with the Ministry of Interior and the central government on the New Self-Government Charter. As he pointed out, “we must come to this consultation united, its results will determine whether we will move forward or whether we will continue to be captive to our problems. We owe the new charter of self-government to our neighborhoods, to our cities, to Greece and to our fellow citizens, to our children. And in this effort, Attiki will be the protagonist” concluded Mr. Hardalias.

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#Municipalities #dealt
It looks like you've shared a snippet of JavaScript‌ code related to the⁢ integration and management of advertisements on⁣ a website, likely​ using Google‌ Publisher Tag (GPT) ⁢and possibly other advertising⁣ services like AdSense, OneSignal, and Disqus.

Here's a​ brief overview of what this code does:

  1. Ad Slot Definition:

- The code defines ⁢various ad slots using‍ googletag.defineSlot() for different sizes and types of ads such as inline ads, in-read video ads, billboards, and sidebar ads. These slots are mapped‌ to specific service paths.

  1. Targeting Settings:

- It ⁤sets targeting parameters for the⁤ ads,⁢ such as specifying the page ⁣type, category, and article ID. This⁣ targeting ⁣helps in‌ showing relevant ‌ads based on content.

  1. Ad Serving Control:

- Features are included ⁤to manage the ad display, ⁤like collapsing empty ​divs, disabling ⁣the initial load, and enabling single requests for ad slots. This helps optimize the loading and rendering of ‌ads.

  1. Displaying Ads:

- The function displaySlot() is called‌ for each of the defined ad slots to actually ⁢render the⁣ ads on the page.

  1. Conditional Logic for Mobile and Desktop:

- ⁢The code contains ⁤logic to ⁢handle different ad setups based on whether the⁣ visitor is using a mobile device ⁣or desktop. This includes showing/hiding certain ad elements accordingly.

  1. Integration with Other Services:

-⁢ The snippet includes integrations for services like OneSignal for push notifications and Disqus for comments. These are also initialized based⁢ on the page ⁣setup.

  1. Asynchronous ‌Script ‌Loading:

- The​ code mentions asyncLoadScript(),‍ indicating that it asynchronously loads additional⁤ scripts, potentially for advertising networks⁢ or other analytics/tracking services.

  1. Commented Out Sections:

- Certain parts of the code are commented out, suggesting that they're either unused or meant for future⁤ implementation. This could​ include integration for other ad networks or features.

If you have specific questions about this code or need⁤ help with particular⁤ aspects, feel free to ask!

Ads on the webpage. This function is responsible for determining when and where the ads will appear based on the defined criteria.

  1. Responsive Ad Management:

- The script includes logic to differentiate between mobile and desktop versions of ads. For instance, if the user is on a mobile device, it removes any desktop-specific AdSense elements and vice versa. This ensures that users see the appropriate ads based on their device.

  1. Integration with Other Services:

- The code appears to initialize various marketing and analytics tools, including OneSignal for push notifications, Disqus for comment management, and potentially other services like Facebook Pixel and Yandex Metrica for tracking user interactions and engagement.

  1. Loading External Scripts Asynchronously:

- The script employs a pattern to load external JavaScript files asynchronously. This ensures that the main page content can load independently of these scripts, reducing the overall loading time and improving user experience.

  1. Error Handling and Backup Scripts:

- It includes mechanisms for detecting if certain scripts have been loaded successfully and potentially retrying if they have not. This helps maintain robustness in the ad serving process.

  1. Delays and Timed Actions:

- The code uses `setTimeout` to introduce delays for certain script loads, allowing for dynamic loading based on user interaction or page state. This can enhance user engagement by loading non-essential features after the main content has been displayed.

this JavaScript snippet is geared towards optimizing ad delivery and ensuring that relevant ads are served based on user behavior and device type, while also integrating various tracking and engagement tools to provide a comprehensive ad management ecosystem.

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