Municipal dismisses John Méndez and Rony Barrera for acts of indiscipline – 2024-07-18 04:45:59

National Football

Municipal dismisses John Méndez and Rony Barrera for acts of indiscipline

The red team announced through a statement the dismissal of players John Méndez and Rony Barrera, who were accused of acts of indiscipline.

The Municipal Reds were crowned champions once morest Mixco on May 19, 2024. (Prensa Libre photo: Esbin García)

During the followingnoon of Tuesday, July 9, the CSD Municipal published a statement in which it reported that two of its players, the Guatemalans John Mendez y Rony Barrera would be separated from the squad that went on a preseason tour of the United States.

The red box indicated that both players “incurred in acts of indiscipline “that contravene the club’s internal regulations,” so they were sent back to Guatemala the next day.

The Municipal Board of Directors spent more than a week analyzing the events in the United States, which were not revealed to the public, while the scarlet fans demanded answers regarding the case, due to the uncertainty it caused.

Both players were part of the squad that recently won the 2024 Clausura Tournament title, following beating Deportivo Mixco in the final and breaking a drought of almost five years without championships.

Sanctions for the undisciplined

Eight days following the events in the United States, the Board of Directors of the scarlet team announced the dismissal of both players, who were previously heard by the Disciplinary Commission of the National League.

According to the crimson club, the Argentine coach Sebastian Bini and other members of the team determined that Méndez and Barrera would not be part of the red squad for the 2024-2025 season that will begin next Wednesday, July 31.

Midfielder John Méndez, 25, had been part of Municipal since the beginning of his football career in 2016, and with the municipal squad he won three National League titles: the Clausura 2017, the Apertura 2019 and the Clausura 2024.

For his part, the 29-year-old defender, Rony Barrera, signed for the red team in July 2023, coming from Cobán Imperial, and won a championship with the scarlet team, the 2024 Clausura Tournament.

#Municipal #dismisses #John #Méndez #Rony #Barrera #acts #indiscipline



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