Münchwilen produces 100,000 kilowatt hours of solar power per year – Aargauer Zeitung


Electricity from the community center roof: New photovoltaic system with an annual output of 40,000 kilowatt hours is inaugurated

The municipal council inaugurated the photovoltaic systems on the roof of the community center and the local community center. The loans for both systems were unanimously approved in November 2022 at the assembly of the residents’ community and the local community.

The display next to the entrance to the community center in Münchwilen still shows 0.00 kilowatt hours. “It’s not connected yet,” says councilor Patrick Geiger apologetically. The new photovoltaic system on all four gable surfaces of the main roof and the porch, with a total of 100 modules, has been in operation since July 5th.

The municipal council and representatives of the companies involved celebrated the launch of the photovoltaic system at the community center with a small aperitif.

Bild: Boris Burkhardt

Geiger estimates that it has produced 9,000 kilowatt hours since then; the plan is to produce 40,000 kilowatt hours per year, which corresponds to the average consumption of 160 households. Geiger is visibly proud of this successful start. “As a community, we want to set a good example for the residents,” he said at a small inauguration ceremony with the local council and representatives of the companies involved on Monday. In fact, there are already many photovoltaic systems on single-family homes in Münchwilen.

Among the guests at the small celebration is Ralf Heinemann, deputy chairman of the Raiffeisenbank Regio Frick-Mettauertal. The bank supported the photovoltaic system with 25,000 francs from its 100th anniversary fund to promote biodiversity, renewable energies and electromobility.

Decision for photovoltaic system independent of subsidies

“It goes without saying that we as a cooperative will continue to be committed to society in the upper Fricktal over the next hundred years,” says Heinemann. The fund totaled 500,000 francs and benefited projects such as charging stations, photovoltaic systems and the renaturation of streams in 15 communities in the upper Fricktal.

The photovoltaic system on the community center cost a total of 136,000 francs. Geiger emphasizes that the municipal council would have made its decision two years ago even without the bank’s contribution.

Municipal councillor Patrick Geiger (left) and Ralf Heinemann from the Raiffeisenbank Regio Frick-Mettauertal in front of the display of the PV system. It is not yet connected.

Municipal councillor Patrick Geiger (left) and Ralf Heinemann from the Raiffeisenbank Regio Frick-Mettauertal in front of the display of the PV system. It is not yet connected.

Bild: Boris Burkhardt

At the beginning of August, the system on the roof of the local community center went into operation with 110 modules and an annual production of 44,000 kilowatt hours for 120,000 francs. The system on the school building has been in operation since the beginning of the year. It has 40 modules and an annual production of 16,000 kilowatt hours. The costs of 40,000 francs were paid for using the loan for the school extension. In total, the three systems produce around 100,000 kilowatt hours.

Peak performance higher than promised

The municipal council can be sure of the support of the Münchwiler population in its move towards solar power: the loans for both systems were unanimously approved in the assemblies of the local community and the local community in November 2022. Geiger is pleased that the technology of solar modules has since developed to such an extent that the system on the community hall now delivers a peak output of 43.5 kilowatts instead of the 35 kilowatts that he promised the local community assembly at the time.

The new photovoltaic system on the Münchwilen community center is expected to produce 40,000 kilowatt hours per year.

The new photovoltaic system on the Münchwilen community center is expected to produce 40,000 kilowatt hours per year.

Image: zvg/Rubin Elektrotechnik Herznach

In the medium term, the local council is considering installing charging stations for electric vehicles in the municipality. Geiger, who as a local councilor is responsible for industry and commerce, water and sewage, roads and energy, among other things, is very interested in sustainable development.

By virtue of his office, he is not only a member of the municipal energy planning, in which the four Sisslerfeld communities of Münchwilen, Stein, Eiken and Sisseln want to promote solar power, encourage sustainability and explore the potential for electromobility. He is also president of the Reallabor Sisslerfeld association, which acts as a network for energy issues for the four communities, the local companies, and authorities and institutions. Geiger also already has a photovoltaic system on his own roof, as he reveals.

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