(Multimedia) AU approves AI strategy, digital compact to boost Africa’s progress

Photo taken on July 18, 2024 shows the venue of the 45th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) in Accra, Ghana. (Xinhua/Seth)

The African Union (AU) Executive Council has endorsed its continental artificial intelligence (AI) strategy and the African Digital Compact, aiming to bolster Africa’s digital development.

ACCRA, July 20 (Xinhua) — The African Union (AU) Executive Council has approved its continental artificial intelligence (AI) strategy and the African Digital Compact, which are intended to accelerate progress in Africa’s digital development.

Amani Abou-Zeid, AU Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalization, shared this information in an interview conducted on Friday during the 45th Ordinary Session of the AU Executive Council, held in Accra, Ghana, preceding the 6th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting.

“Our council yesterday approved the AU strategy for artificial intelligence and the strategy for the use of digital technologies, which will pave the way for Africa to utilize digital technologies for development,” Ms. Abou-Zeid stated.

These strategies will provide valuable guidance on leveraging technology to address Africa’s challenges, contribute to the acceleration of numerous projects and programs, and serve as a safeguard once morest unethical technology use, she explained.

“Technology must help us preserve our identity, our languages ​​and our cultures, and be beneficial to us rather than harmful to us,” the Commissioner emphasized.

The strategies will foster an environment conducive to the advancement and utilization of digital technology. Ms. Abou-Zeid further explained that the AU policy would offer guidance to governments of member states in developing the necessary policy and regulatory frameworks for the sector.

“These strategies will help us establish a unified digital market and guide all sovereign countries on how to harness digital technology to boost their development processes,” she said.

“Strict rules and regulations must be in place to penalize the misuse of AI and digital technologies to prevent further abuse,” Abou-Zeid stated, adding that while seven African countries have already implemented AI policies, the continental body aspires to see all member states develop their own policies.

Photo taken on July 18, 2024 shows the venue of the 45th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) in Accra, Ghana. (Xinhua/Seth)

The African Union (AU) Executive Council has endorsed its continental artificial intelligence (AI) strategy and the African Digital Compact to boost Africa’s digital development, an AU official said.

ACCRA, July 20 (Xinhua) — The African Union (AU) Executive Council has endorsed its continental artificial intelligence (AI) strategy and the African Digital Compact to boost Africa’s digital development, an AU official said.

AU Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy and Digitalization, Amani Abou-Zeid, made the statement in an interview on Friday during the 45th Ordinary Session of the AU Executive Council, ahead of its 6th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting, in the Ghanaian capital of Accra.

“Our council yesterday approved the AU strategy for artificial intelligence and the strategy for the use of digital technologies, which will pave the way for Africa to use digital technologies for development,” said Ms. Abou-Zeid.

These strategies will provide guidance on the use of technology to find solutions to Africa’s challenges, help accelerate many projects and programmes, and protect once morest unethical use of technology, she added.

“Technology must help us preserve our identity, our languages ​​and our cultures, and be useful to us rather than harmful to us,” the Commissioner said.

The strategies will create an enabling environment for the development and use of digital technology, Ms. Abou-Zeid said, adding that the AU policy would guide governments of different members in developing the necessary policy and regulatory frameworks for the sector.

“The strategies will help us create a single digital market and guide all sovereign countries on how to use digital technology to boost their development processes,” she said.

“There must be rules and regulations to punish the negative use of AI and digital technologies to prevent further abuse,” Abou-Zeid said, adding that seven African countries now have AI policies, but the continental body would like to see all members develop their own policies.

AI for Development: Boosting Africa’s Digital Leap

The African Union’s commitment to harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for development is a clear signal that the continent is ready to embrace the future of technology. The AU’s recently endorsed continental AI strategy and the African Digital Compact are critical steps in setting the stage for a digital transformation that will empower African nations and unlock unprecedented opportunities.

The Importance of a Continental AI Strategy

A continental AI strategy is crucial for several reasons:

  • Unified Approach: It will foster a unified approach to AI development and deployment across the African continent, ensuring alignment and collaboration between nations.
  • Addressing Ethical Concerns: It will address ethical considerations and ensure that AI is developed and used responsibly to promote inclusivity, fairness, and transparency.
  • Data Governance: It will facilitate the development of robust data governance frameworks, ensuring that data is collected, stored, and used ethically and securely.
  • Investing in Human Capital: It will prioritize investments in education, research, and development to build skilled workforces in AI and related fields.
  • Promoting Innovation: It will create an environment that fosters innovation and encourages the development of homegrown AI solutions tailored to African needs.
  • Attracting Investment: It will attract investment from international partners who are looking to support the development of ethical and impactful AI initiatives in Africa.

The African Digital Compact: A Roadmap for Digital Inclusion

The African Digital Compact serves as a roadmap for achieving digital inclusion across the continent. It outlines key objectives and actions to ensure that everyone, regardless of their location or background, has access to the benefits of the digital economy.

Key Pillars of the Digital Compact

The Digital Compact is built upon several key pillars, including:

  • Affordable and Accessible Connectivity: Expanding broadband infrastructure and lowering the cost of internet access are crucial to bridge the digital divide.
  • Digital Skills Development: Investing in education and training programs to equip individuals with the digital skills needed to thrive in the digital economy.
  • Digital Identity and Data Protection: Implementing robust mechanisms for secure digital identity management and data privacy to protect individuals’ rights and promote trust in the digital space.
  • E-Government and Public Services: Leveraging digital technologies to improve government services, enhance transparency, and create more efficient and responsive public sector.
  • Inclusive Digital Finance: Making financial services accessible to everyone through the adoption of innovative digital financial solutions.

Empowering Africa Through Digital Transformation

Africa has a unique opportunity to harness the power of AI and digital technology to leapfrog traditional development paths. By embracing a forward-thinking approach that prioritizes ethical development, inclusivity, and capacity building, Africa can build a digital future that is prosperous, equitable, and driven by innovation.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the continent is poised for remarkable digital progress, there are significant challenges that must be addressed:

  • Bridging the Infrastructure Gap: Investing in broadband infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, is essential to ensure equitable access to digital services.
  • Digital Literacy and Skills Development: Upskilling the workforce with the necessary digital literacy and technical skills will be critical for participation in the digital economy.
  • Cybersecurity: Strengthening cybersecurity measures to safeguard once morest cyber threats and ensure the secure use of digital technologies.
  • Data Privacy and Governance: Establishing robust data privacy policies and regulations to ensure responsible data collection, use, and sharing.

The Success of the AU’s AI and Digital Compact will depend upon:

  • Effective Collaboration: Strong partnerships between governments, the private sector, civil society organizations, and international development partners will be essential to drive progress.
  • Sustainable Funding: Securing long-term and sustainable funding to support infrastructure development, skills training, research and development in AI and digital technologies.
  • Policy Coherence: Ensuring that national digital policies are aligned with the continental strategy to create a cohesive and enabling environment.
  • Measuring Impact: Monitoring and evaluating the progress made using data and indicators to identify areas for improvement and ensure that the initiatives are truly benefiting the African people.

The AU’s commitment to a digitally enabled future for Africa is an inspiring step towards a more prosperous and equitable continent. By embracing AI responsibly and implementing the Digital Compact with commitment, Africa can unlock its potential and become a leader in the global digital economy.



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