Muhammad Al-Sawy: Ahmed Badir took me for Umrah, and I do not know who and I will not forget his standing at the time of my son’s death

artist solution Mohamed El-Sawya guest on the “One of the People” program with the media Amr El-Leithy, broadcast on Al-Hayat channel, and Mohamed El-Sawy talked about his beginnings in art, saying: “I entered art by chance because I am a graduate of the Faculty of Commerce and I heard that there is a play directed by Professor Shaker Khudair, and I used to see them in the preparations. And Professor Shakir, the Most High, said to me, “Join with us, and I did, and the surprise was the audience’s reaction to my role.”

And Muhammad Al-Sawy added, during his meeting with the media, Amr Al-Leithi, on his program “One of the People” on the Al-Hayat screen: The issue started entering my brain, and I took the best representative in universities in front of Professor Jalal Al-Sharqawi.

And about his close friends, Muhammad Al-Sawy said: “The artist Ahmed Badir is close to my heart, and he has love and charisma between us, and we have worked with some of more than 10 films, 20 series and 8 plays, and the secret in the relationship between us is that I sold his assistant to me asking me for the passport, and I don’t know what.” And I was surprised by him saying to me two days later, come meet me at the airport, and I was surprised by him with my hand at the airport in which I wore Ihram, and his age came out to me and I did not know, then after the death of my son, I was surprised by someone who sends Umrah tickets for me and my wife and booked me in the hotel, and I asked while I was in Saudi Arabia, they told me that Ahmed Badir is the one who booked for you.

And Muhammad Al-Sawy continued: “One of the situations that I do not forget was the late great professor, Professor Mamdouh Al-Laithi, head of the production sector, during the preparation of the funeral for the death of my son and his grandmother. He was a human being in the truest sense of the word.

Al-Laithi said that his late father, Mamdouh Al-Laithi, was very affected by the death of the artist’s son Al-Sawy, because he went through the same circumstances.

Artist Mohamed El-Sawy

Mohamed El-Sawy
Mohamed El-Sawy

Mohamed El-Sawy
Mohamed El-Sawy

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