Mucilage, for the left even the foam in the Adriatic is Meloni’s fault –

Bad surprise for many Italians on holiday on the Adriatic coast, where this year the phenomenon of mucilage has returned, the gelatinous foam produced by the proliferation of algae accelerated by high temperatures. A natural phenomenon that is not a health risk but causes enormous inconvenience for bathers, in addition to representing an economic damage for the tourism sector and a danger for the marine ecosystem. A phenomenon that occurs cyclically, when the weather conditions are favorable, regardless of the color of the government… Well, for the environmentalist left, even the foam in the sea is the fault of the executive and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Mucilage in the Adriatic, the expert warns: what it is and what is the real risk

Video on this topic

“The temperature of our seas has reached 30 degrees, causing the proliferation of mucilage, with damage to biodiversity and the economy, and the entry into our seas of alien species, of which 134 have been recorded as dangerous for the environmental balance”. writes Angelo Bonelli in a note that brings together the water emergency and algae. “Once upon a time there was a commissioner against drought, appointed on May 5, 2023 by the Meloni government. But who saw him? And above all, what did he do? The Sicilian dams collect fresh water that is not used for agriculture because they have not been tested for years, thus causing the dispersion of water into the sea. This is a real crime. In Sicily, drought and desertification have caused damages of over 3 billion euros, with a 70% reduction in cereal production and 45% in tree crops. In some areas particularly affected by drought, vineyards and citrus groves have been uprooted”, writes the spokesperson for Europa Verde and deputy of Verdi e Sinistra who explains: “In Puglia, olive production is expected to drop by 50%, while in Basilicata wheat production could drop by 90%. The situation is also serious in Abruzzo and Calabria. These dramatic data are linked to drought and rising temperatures. The summer 2024, according to Copernicus data, was the hottest ever. The temperature of our seas reached 30 degrees, causing the proliferation of mucilage, with damage to biodiversity and the economy, and the entry into our seas of alien species, of which 134 were recorded as dangerous for the environmental balance”, concludes Bonelli.

#Mucilage #left #foam #Adriatic #Melonis #fault #Tempo
2024-08-19 23:46:33



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