Mrs. Véronique Akéréni Grogba, former sales and marketing director of “Nouveau Réveil”

A month and weeks later, we are still struggling to accept the death of Mrs. Véronique Grogba. Her sudden disappearance remains a mystery that we are still trying to decipher. But alas! The reality is there, implacable. The Grim Reaper has dictated his law to us.

She has covered us with her heavy coat that we cannot get rid of. How difficult it is, this mourning! The atmosphere remains heavy and unbearable at the “New Awakening”. Cursed be this day when the bad news fell like an axe. Today, everything in the house attracts our attention.

Mrs. Grogba’s usual arrival and departure times at the newspaper remind us, every day, of her absence. When our eyes fall on her office that remains closed, our hearts bleed with pain.

Not all absences are easy to fill and this is the case here. Véronique Ahou Akéréni is the wife of Grogba, the key figure of the “Le Réveil” press group. The woman who was behind the creation of this combat instrument of the PDCI-RDA leaves behind inconsolable collaborators.

Mrs. Grogba, recall the old people of the house, was the one who received the hiring files of the first agents of “Le Nouveau Réveil”. She was the “mother” of all, the one who holds the secret of joy and love.

All the workers who have passed through, from 2001 to today, remember her as a caring and caring “mother”. Sales Director, she is the one who has woven all the major partnerships of this Press Group which has improved over the years.

At 24 years old, “Le Nouveau Réveil” is ranked first among private newspapers in terms of sales, nationally. The newspaper owes to Véronique Akéréni, in part, its longevity, performance and resilience in a competitive environment where many tabloids have closed shop. Ms. Grogba is leaving at a time when we most need her experience acquired through hard work.

For us, she is an unfinished symphony. Before the final farewell, this Saturday, in Dimbokro, the entire staff of the newspaper is mobilizing to pay her the tribute due to her rank.




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