MR’s New Wave: The Era of Reynders and Wilmès Begins

MR’s New Wave: The Era of Reynders and Wilmès Begins

2024-09-06 10:32:07

September 06, 2024


Does the non-renewal of Didier Reynders at the Commission mean the end of an era for French-speaking liberals? This is clear for some, less so for others.

The president of the MR, Georges-Louis Bouchez, decided at the beginning of the week: it is finally Hadja Lahbib and not Didier Reynders who should sit on the future European Commission. To achieve this, the former journalist, dhave a political career that takes on meteoric proportionswill still have to pass his “exam” in front of the MEPs.

“It should go well for Lahbib: she has not had time to have any skeletons in her closet,” says an observer within the European Parliament. Among the liberals, some teeth are still gnashingespecially since there is talk of an explosive portfolio – namely that of Migration – for the Schaerbeekoise. “In this case, it will be necessary to be solid on both feet, perhaps to stand up to Italy or Hungary”, notes a source within the party, visibly circumspect about the assessment to be made of the passage to Foreign Affairs of the protégé of “GLB”.

Let us remember that being grilled by MEPs before being appointed Commissioner is not just a formality. In 2019, three candidates nominated by their Member State had to pay the price. It is up to Lahbib to prepare well for this meeting, otherwise she risks being snubbed.which could also tarnish the image of its party president.

Twilight for Reynders

But we are not there yet. What seems more likely, however, is thatDidier Reynders’ political career has reached its twilightEven though the liberal tenor’s mandate runs until the autumn, the failure to renew his mandate has all the trappings of a halt after more than a quarter of a century at the top level of Belgian and European politics.

Although the revival is underway, some people are nevertheless risking expressing doubts, noting that it would be a shame to do without the experience of certain “old hands”.

Dauphin de Jean Gol, Reynders was revealed to the general public as leader of the opposition to the Dehaene-Di Rupo government. in the 90s. At the time, the Liégeois denounced the “tax rage” of the executive. Proof, if any were needed, that certain elements of language retain their relevance in the long term… After the aisles of Parliament, it was in the executives – in Finance and Foreign Affairs in particular – but also and since the presidency of his party, that the liberal left his mark on Belgian politics. Brilliant, sometimes brusque, Reynders had a career punctuated by his rivalry with the Michel clanLouis first, then Charles.

But should we really conjugate this career in the past? Reynders refuses for the moment to comment, limiting himself to expressing his “deep disappointment” following his non-renewal. Translating the diplomatic language that he fully masters, we understand that he has rather salty it.

Charles Michel does not “fit” with a renewal project

“GLB” probably doesn’t care about it, buoyed by his blazing victory in last June’s elections. The man who began his political schooling in the Reynders cabinet 13 years ago – everything is in everything – seems determined to continue the renewal of his partyHis desire to bring out new faces, to reward his followers or the personalities he believes in, probably weighs more in his eyes than the historical weight embodied by the “tenors” and other “barons” of the party.

There remains one personality who has been talked about a little less in recent weeks, but who remains a heavyweight for the Blues: Sophie Wilmès.

If the revival is underway, some people nevertheless risk expressing doubts, noting that it would be It’s a shame to miss out on the experience of some “old hands”. And this is all the more true at a time when a coalition with the N-VA is taking shape. “Reynders is the one who initiated the rapprochement with Bart De Wever, they know each other well, that could be an asset,” we are told. “He is a man who has always known how to bounce back” and who has a good command of Dutcha quality not common among liberals, adds another.

From there to seeing Reynders find the spotlight again within a federal executive? Few people believe it, given the emancipatory logic that Bouchez seems to be pursuing.. That said, politics is often full of surprises. Speaking of surprises, some would see Charles Michel, whose relations with GLB are good, is returning to service on the side of… Foreign Affairsa position soon to be vacated by the departure of a certain Hadja Lahbib. “This would not fit in with the current renewal. It is therefore very unlikely,” tempers an informed observer. Which adds that this scenario loses credibility to the extent that The Liberals, who have long held the federal diplomacy portfolio, are said to have their sights set on other sovereign functions.such as Justice, the Interior, and even Finance.

And Sophie Wilmès?

There remains one personality who has been talked about a little less in recent weeks, but who remains a heavyweight for the Blues: Sophie Wilmès. Since her vice-presidency of the European Parliament, she has kept a close eye on Belgian politics. In the event of a federal government being formed in the short term, the chances of seeing her gain access to responsibilities seem quite slim. However, many point out that her national career is far from over. “It would be a mistake in reasoning to think that she will no longer have a future” at this level, we are told. Electoral locomotive, The Rhodienne will always be able to assert her political weight in due time. But will she really want to and when? That is the question.

#Reynders #Michel #Wilmès #renewal #longer #waiting

The ‌End of ⁢an Era for French-Speaking Liberals? The Non-Renewal of ‍Didier Reynders at the European⁣ Commission

Published on September 6, 2024

The decision not to renew Didier Reynders’ mandate at⁤ the European ‍Commission has sparked debate ⁣about ⁢the future of French-speaking liberals. ‍While some see this as ⁣the end of an era, others are less convinced. The president of the MR, Georges-Louis Bouchez, has instead chosen⁣ Hadja ‌Lahbib ​to sit on⁤ the future European Commission, a move that could have significant implications for the party.

A Meteoric Rise for Hadja Lahbib

Hadja Lahbib, a former journalist, has been chosen to take Reynders’ ⁤place⁢ on the ​European ‌Commission. However, ‌she will need to pass her “exam” in front of MEPs, where she will⁣ be grilled on her qualifications and policy positions. Despite⁤ having no skeletons in her closet, Lahbib will need to be well-prepared to succeed in this challenging ⁣role. Her potential portfolio, including migration, could be particularly contentious,‌ and she will need to be able‍ to stand up to countries like Italy and Hungary.

A Warning for Lahbib: The Exam is Not a Formality

Being grilled by MEPs is not just a formality, as three candidates nominated by their Member State can attest. They⁤ paid the price in 2019 and were not appointed as⁤ Commissioners. Lahbib will need⁢ to‌ prepare⁣ well for this meeting, otherwise, she risks being snubbed, which‍ could tarnish the image of⁢ her party president.

The⁤ Twilight of ⁤Didier Reynders’ Political Career

The non-renewal of Reynders’ mandate marks the likely end of his political career, which⁤ has spanned⁢ over a quarter of a century at ⁢the top level of Belgian and European politics. ⁣Despite ​his mandate running until autumn, it seems unlikely that he will continue in politics beyond this point.

A Legacy of Experience

Some ​have expressed doubts about the decision not to renew Reynders’ mandate, noting that it would⁤ be a shame to ‍do without the experience of ⁤certain⁤ “old hands.” Reynders was first⁤ revealed to the general public as the leader‍ of the opposition to the Dehaene-Di Rupo government in the ⁣1990s, where he denounced the “tax‍ rage” of the executive. He went on to⁤ hold various executive positions, including Finance and Foreign Affairs.

The non-renewal of Reynders’‌ mandate marks a significant change for‍ French-speaking liberals, and it remains to be seen ⁢how this will impact the party’s​ future. While some see this as the ‌end of an era, others are less convinced, and the rise of Hadja‌ Lahbib could mark a new⁤ chapter for the party.

What Do You Think?

Do you think the non-renewal of Didier Reynders’ mandate marks the ⁢end of an era for French-speaking liberals? ⁣Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Read More:

*⁤ The Future von der Leyen II Commission, Masculine ⁢and Tinged with the Extreme Right

Keyword Tags: Didier Reynders, European Commission, French-speaking​ liberals, Hadja Lahbib,⁣ Georges-Louis Bouchez,Migration, Tax Rage, Jean​ Gol, Dehaene-Di​ Rupo government.



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