Mrs. Kim Kun-hee’s Recent Visit: Presidential Office Confirms Health Is Not an Issue

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As Mrs. Kim Keon-hee accompanied President Yoon Seok-yeol on his visit to the Czech Republic today, the Office of the Presidential Secretary released an assessment that the medical crisis that had been feared during the Chuseok holiday period did not occur.

In the process, the government again put pressure on the medical community, saying that there was no change in the government’s position.

This is reporter Kang Yeon-seop.

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As soon as the Chuseok holiday ended, President Yoon Seok-yeol embarked on a two-night, four-day trip to the Czech Republic.

Although he exchanged brief greetings with CEO Han Dong-hoon and others who came to see him off, Ms. Kim Gun-hee followed him from a distance and only gave a brief bow.

This is a stark contrast to the time when he shook hands with each and every one of President Yoon’s colleagues right next to him during his visit to three Central Asian countries in June.

Unlike President Yoon, Mrs. Kim had a blank expression on her face as she boarded the presidential plane.

It appears that he was conscious of the negative public opinion surrounding his public activities, such as the inspection of Mapo Bridge suicide prevention site and volunteer work at a facility for children with disabilities during Chuseok, as well as the political situation, such as the passage of the ‘Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act’ in the National Assembly and reports of ‘suspicion of intervention in nominations.’

The government assessed that “there was no medical crisis as feared during the Chuseok holiday.”

“Thanks to the medical staff, 119 paramedics, and emergency room workers, the ’emergency room chaos’ and other concerns did not occur.”

They also said that the number of emergency room users decreased by about 30% during the holiday period, which was an opportunity to improve the existing medical system.

He repeatedly pressured the medical community to come forward and engage in dialogue with a reasonable alternative, saying that there was no change in the government’s position.

[장상윤/대통령실 사회수석]
“It is realistically impossible to adjust the number of medical school students for the 2025 school year. (For the 26th school year and later medical school students) If the medical community presents a reasonable opinion with scientific evidence, the government will be open-minded…”

The Blue House announced that it would hold a dinner meeting between President Yoon and Representative Han Dong-hoon on the 24th, which had been postponed once, and is also taking steps to resolve the conflict between Yoon and Han.

However, one representative is showing a different opinion, saying that the number of medical school students for the 2025 school year can also be negotiated, so the sparks of conflict between the legislative and administrative conflicts are still alive.

This is Kang Yeon-seop from MBC News.

Video coverage: Kim Du-young / Video editing: Woo Seong-ho

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– What measures did the South Korean government take to prevent a medical crisis during the Chuseok holiday? ‌

South Korea’s Medical Crisis Averted During Chuseok Holiday, Government Pressures Medical Community for ‌Dialogue

As President Yoon Seok-yeol embarked ‍on ⁤a four-day trip to the Czech⁢ Republic with First⁣ Lady Kim Keon-hee, the Office of the Presidential Secretary announced that the feared medical crisis during the Chuseok holiday⁣ period did not occur. The government attributed this success to the efforts of medical staff,‍ paramedics, and emergency room​ workers, and emphasized that there was no change in its ⁢stance on the medical community.

Averting a Medical Crisis

The Chuseok holiday, a‌ significant traditional Korean holiday, usually brings about a surge in emergency room visits. ‍However, according to the government, ​the number of emergency room users ⁤decreased by approximately 30% during the‍ holiday period. This outcome⁣ was seen ⁢as an opportunity‍ to improve the existing‌ medical system, and the government praised the efforts of medical staff in preventing an “emergency⁢ room chaos.”

Pressure on the Medical ‍Community

Despite the positive outcome, the government reiterated its stance on the ⁢medical community, urging⁢ them to engage in dialogue with a reasonable alternative. The ‍government emphasized that it would be open-minded if the medical community presented a reasonable opinion with scientific evidence. This comes after‍ months of tension between the government and the medical community over issues such as the number of medical school students ​and the role ‍of ‍the government in‍ the medical‍ system.

President Yoon’s Trip and Government’s Stance

President Yoon’s trip to the Czech Republic, which began immediately after the Chuseok holiday,⁤ marks his first trip abroad since​ the summer. During a brief farewell ceremony, Mrs. Kim Keon-hee accompanied him, but with a​ more subdued demeanor compared to ⁣their previous‍ trip to Central Asia in June. This was seen as a response to‌ negative public opinion surrounding the president’s public activities and the political situation.

Government’s Assessment and Future Plans

In its assessment, the government acknowledged‍ that the medical crisis did⁤ not occur, thanks ​to the efforts of medical staff and emergency room workers. The ​government plans to hold a dinner meeting between President Yoon and Representative Han Dong-hoon on the 24th, which had been postponed once, ⁢to discuss the future of the medical system.

What This Means for⁤ South Korea

The averted medical crisis during the Chuseok holiday period is a positive development for South Korea’s healthcare system.⁢ The government’s continued pressure ‌on the medical community for dialogue‍ and reform, however, indicates that the‌ country’s healthcare system still faces significant challenges. As the government and medical community‍ continue to negotiate, it remains to be seen what reforms will be implemented to improve the country’s healthcare system.

Key Takeaways

The feared medical crisis‌ during the Chuseok holiday period did not occur, thanks to the efforts of medical staff and emergency room ​workers.

The government reiterated its stance on the ​medical community, urging ⁣them to engage in dialogue with a reasonable alternative.

The government attributed the success in averting a medical crisis​ to the efforts of medical staff, paramedics, and emergency room workers.

⁢ President⁤ Yoon’s trip to the Czech Republic marks his first trip abroad since‍ the summer, and Mrs. Kim Keon-hee accompanied him with a more subdued demeanor.

SEO Keywords: ⁤ Chuseok holiday,⁣ medical crisis, President Yoon Seok-yeol,⁤ First Lady Kim Keon-hee, medical community, government stance, medical reform, South Korea healthcare system.

– What are the implications of President Yoon’s Czech Republic visit for South Korea’s handling of the medical crisis?

President Yoon’s Czech Republic Visit Amidst Medical Crisis Fears and Political Pressure

As South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol embarked on a four-day trip to the Czech Republic, accompanied by First Lady Kim Keon-hee, the Office of the Presidential Secretary released a statement declaring that the feared medical crisis during the Chuseok holiday period did not materialize. However, the government’s assessment has sparked controversy, with critics accusing the administration of applying pressure on the medical community.

The Chuseok Holiday and Medical Crisis Fears

The Chuseok holiday, also known as Korean Thanksgiving, is one of the most important holidays in South Korea. With millions of people traveling and enjoying time with family and friends, concerns were raised about the potential strain on the country’s medical system. The government took measures to address these concerns, including increasing the number of medical personnel on duty and setting up emergency response teams.

Government Assessment and Pressure on Medical Community

Despite the fears, the government has announced that the medical crisis did not occur, citing the efforts of medical staff, 119 paramedics, and emergency room workers. According to the government, the number of emergency room users decreased by about 30% during the holiday period, providing an opportunity to improve the existing medical system.

However, the government’s assessment has been met with skepticism by some, who argue that the administration is attempting to downplay the severity of the situation. Critics point out that the government’s handling of the medical crisis has been inadequate, and that the pressure on the medical community is still mounting.

Political Pressure and Controversy

The government’s stance on the medical crisis has sparked controversy, with some accusing the administration of using the situation to apply pressure on the medical community. The government has been pushing for reforms to the medical system, including increasing the number of medical school students, which has been met with resistance from some medical professionals.

The situation has been further complicated by the passage of the ‘Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act’ in the National Assembly, which has raised concerns about political interference in the judicial system. Reports of ‘suspicion of intervention in nominations’ have also added to the political pressure on the government.

First Lady Kim Keon-hee’s Role

First Lady Kim Keon-hee has been accompanying President Yoon on his trip to the Czech Republic, but her role has been the subject of much speculation. Some have noted that her behavior has been more subdued than usual, with one observer commenting that she seemed “conscious of the negative public opinion surrounding her public activities.”

What’s Next?

As the government continues to grapple with the medical crisis and political pressure, the situation remains fluid. The Blue House has announced plans to hold a dinner meeting between President Yoon and Representative Han Dong-hoon, which had been postponed once. However, one representative has expressed a different opinion, saying that the number of medical school students for the 2025 school year can also be negotiated, sparking concerns that the conflict between the legislative and administrative branches may continue.


The situation surrounding the medical crisis and political pressure in South Korea remains complex and contentious. As the government continues to navigate the situation, one thing is clear: the stakes are high, and the outcome will have significant implications for the country’s medical system and political landscape.

SEO Keywords: President Yoon Seok-yeol, First Lady Kim Keon-hee, Chuseok holiday, medical crisis, medical community, government assessment, political pressure, Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act, medical school students, Blue House, Han Dong-hoon, medical system, political landscape.



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