Mr. Vo Van Thuong suggested that Ho Chi Minh City boldly decentralize power

This morning (January 16), in Ho Chi Minh City, the Party Central Committee held a conference on mastering and implementing Resolution No. 31-NQ/TW dated December 30, 2022 of the Politburo on methods Development direction and tasks of Ho Chi Minh City to 2030, vision to 2045.

Attending and directing the Conference were Mr. Vo Van Thuong, Politburo member, Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat. Also attending were Mr. Tran Thanh Man, Politburo member, Standing Vice Chairman of the National Assembly; Mr. Nguyen Van Nen, Politburo member, Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee; Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department; Mr. Le Minh Khai, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Prime Minister…

Conference overview.

Speaking at the conference, Secretary of the City Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen said that before Resolution 31, the Politburo issued 3 important resolutions on the development of Ho Chi Minh City, which were Resolution 01 in 1982, Resolution 20. 2002 and Resolution 16 2012.

After 40 years of implementing 3 resolutions of the Politburo, the role and stature of the city has been increasingly confirmed. However, in the process of implementation, in order for the Resolution to come to life, there are still limitations that have been pointed out by the Politburo at preliminary and summary conferences.

The main reason is the leadership capacity of the City Party Committee; management and administration of the city government is not commensurate with requirements, tasks, and mechanisms and policies are not synchronized; the coordination between central ministries and branches and Ho Chi Minh City has not been active and effective.

Therefore, with Resolution 31, Secretary of the City Party Committee Nguyen Van Should wishes to delve into the main points to overcome the shortcomings, weaknesses, limitations, and really bring the Resolution to life.

“There are repeated and repeated limitations that the Resolution comes to life with many limitations and weaknesses. Experienced comrades who have worked for many years also said how to institutionalize the Resolution, to decentralize it. Strengthening what is possible for the city, handing over the power to the Government, ministries and branches to coordinate with the city to implement, but put into practice, there are still many obstacles due to institutionalization, the concretization of the Resolution has not been successful. If the law is legal, officials are afraid to implement it,” said Mr. Nguyen Van Nen.

Ong Vo Van Thuong deduces Ho Chi Minh City's dan dan phan cap, phan Quyen-Hinh-2
Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen spoke at the conference.

Speaking at the presentation, Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai assessed that, besides the basic results achieved, Ho Chi Minh City still has limitations, inadequacies, difficulties and challenges. In which, many potential factors and advantages of the city have not been effectively exploited; It is necessary to have mechanisms, policies and solutions to soon overcome, and at the same time to promote, mobilize and effectively use resources, focusing on the city’s socio-economic development drivers in the near future. next.

The Deputy Prime Minister suggested all levels, branches, localities, Party committees, organizations, officials and members throughout the country, especially the Party Committee, government, army and people of Ho Chi Minh City to focus on research. research, grasp, fully and deeply understand and implement synchronously, effectively and comprehensively the contents of the Resolution; determined that the construction and development of a civilized and modern Ho Chi Minh City is an important political task of the entire Party, people, army, and political system with the motto: “HCMC for the whole country. , the whole country for Ho Chi Minh City”.

Expeditiously develop and implement drastic, synchronous and effective programs and action plans to concretize the digital resolution with implementation roadmap, assignment of tasks and clear goals and targets. clearly, associated with periodic inspection and evaluation of the implementation each year.

Ong Vo Van Thuong deduced the city
Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai speaking.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai affirmed that, on the Government side, in order to strongly and comprehensively develop Ho Chi Minh City in accordance with the spirit of Resolution No. 31 of the Politburo, the Government and the Prime Minister have directed the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, agencies and Ho Chi Minh City in expeditiously developing the Government’s Action Program to implement Resolution No. 31; specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Ho Chi Minh City to report to the National Assembly for consideration and promulgation of a Resolution to replace Resolution No. 54/2017/QH14.

The presentations of the ministries, central branches and localities all confirmed the importance of Resolution 31. At the same time, it was suggested that it is necessary to overcome and remove bottlenecks in order to shape a smooth policy framework. practically effective. The city should soon submit a resolution to replace Resolution 54. In policy development, there should be a focus, focus, and resolution of major issues.

Speaking at the meeting, Politburo member and Standing Committee of the Secretariat Vo Van Thuong suggested that the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City must organize for party officials and people to study, study and thoroughly grasp the contents of the agenda. decisions with various forms, arouse pride in the heroic tradition, pioneer in innovation and creative dynamism of the city.

Ong Vo Van Thuong deduces Ho Chi Minh City's dan dan phan cap, phan Quyen-Hinh-4
Standing Secretary of the Secretariat Vo Van Thuong spoke at the conference.

Ho Chi Minh City needs to implement the Resolution with a fierce spirit, proactively and creatively, striving for the highest results; focusing on fast and sustainable economic development, strongly developing culture, education and training, improving the quality of planning, sustainable urban development…

Mr. Vo Van Thuong also suggested that the National Assembly Party Committee and the Government Party Committee should soon lead and direct the concretization of the resolution, perfect the institution, and create a legal basis for the development of Ho Chi Minh City. In particular, soon promulgate documents of the National Assembly and the Government on piloting outstanding mechanisms and policies, building a mechanism to concretize Conclusion 14 on the policy of encouraging and protecting dynamic and creative cadres. created for the common good, choosing Ho Chi Minh City as a pilot for this policy…

In addition, focus on building and correcting the Party, proactively preventing and repelling recession; proactively prevent corruption, promote the role of the leader as an example, perfect the city government apparatus in a streamlined and modern direction.

Ong Vo Van Thuong deputizes Ho Chi Minh City's dan dan phan cap, phan Quyen-Hinh-5
Standing Secretary of the Secretariat Vo Van Thuong discussed with delegates.

Standing Secretary of the Secretariat Vo Van Thuong emphasized, the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee directs the city government to actively research, develop, propose, and coordinate closely with ministries and branches to advise the National Assembly and Government. government with outstanding policy documents, laws, decentralization and decentralization, promoting dynamism and creativity for the common benefit of city officials.

“It is suggested that the city boldly decentralize and decentralize powers to subordinate units. For example, what rights are assigned to Thu Duc City, the National Assembly will not go into specifics but only define a number of principles. On that basis, If you want to assign something to Thu Duc City, the People’s Council of Ho Chi Minh City, following consulting the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, will decide to assign and decentralize it,” said Mr. Vo Van Thuong.



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