Mr. Rogerio Azcárraga Madero, honorary president and founder of Grupo Formula and Discos Orfeón, died

This Tuesday it was announced that he died Don Rogerio Azcarragahonorary president and founder of Formula Group and of Orpheon Records.

He was born on June 6, 1927 in the Mexico Cityand studied Business Administration at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.

In 1958 he founded Discos Orfeón to promote Mexican music, where figures such as Lola Beltrán, Luis Aguilar, César Costa, Los Locos del Ritmo, Los Rebeldes del Rock, Los Hermanos Carrión, Bill Haley, José and Lupita D’Alessio passed.

In the photo, Mr. Rogerio Azcárraga. Photo: Special

In 1968, 10 years later, Azcarraga Madero founded Federal District Radionow Formula Group.

A Rogerio Azcarraga Madero He is survived by his children Jaime, Andrea and Lorenza, who are currently in charge of Grupo Formula.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital

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