2023-09-09 17:55:00
The president of the MR, Georges-Louis Bouchez, launched his party on Saturday in the campaign for the 2024 elections. In front of the activists gathered at Lac de l’Eau d’heure, he listed some of the central themes of his party in the coming months and unveiled a revamped logo as well as a pre-campaign slogan: “Working the future“.
Employment in Wallonia occupied a prominent place in the liberal president’s speech. Mr. Bouchez criticized social and unemployment policies which, according to him, explain the number of job seekers in the south of the country.
“How can we explain today that Belgium has 200,000 vacancies and that Wallonia has 230,000 job seekers? Yes, I accept it, we can be stricter in social policy, in unemployment rules, because this social policy becomes destructive of well-being and condemns individuals to remain on welfare all their lives.“, he said.
#stricter #unemployment #rules #launches #campaign