“Mr. Mitsotakis is a champion of arrogance” 2024-08-18 04:55:13

In detail:

“We have to make our country resilient. It cannot be one of the most vulnerable in Europe,” he noted.

Mr. Androulakis recalled that as a member of the European Parliament he was the rapporteur of the European civil protection mechanism, RescEU whose benefits are multiple for our country.

“Through RescEU a 30% discount is ensured on the supply of new . We then created the conditions for a pan-European order. In addition, every year our country presses the button of European solidarity for the assistance of aerial vehicles and firefighters from other member countries, which I achieved, during the negotiations of the mechanism, to be free of charge. All of this was done with a lot of work since 2018,” underlined Mr. Androulakis.

Criticizing the government’s economic policy, the President of PASOK-Change Movement pointed out that “the cost of living is skyrocketing and the welfare state has collapsed. We are second in all of Europe in private health spending and will soon become first.”

“The current Prime Minister said in 2019 that he came to heal the wounds of the Tsipras-Kammenos administration in the institutions and is doing the same and worse” he added, referring to the degradation of the rule of law.

“Everything is on autopilot, because there is no vision. Mr. Mitsotakis manages the problems on customer terms, otherwise the goals of the fair green transition for the primary sector, manufacturing, dealing with energy poverty would have been set and we would have a new NSS with the resources of the Recovery Fund” he concluded.

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#Mitsotakis #champion #arrogance



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