Mr. Fadlallah denounced the burning of the Qur’an in Sweden: to punish the perpetrators

The scholar Sayyid Ali Fadlallah denounced the “burning of the Holy Qur’an in Sweden,” calling on the Swedish government to “punish the perpetrators who directed a grave offense once morest Islamic sanctities and the feelings of Muslims,” stressing that “violating sacred things does not fall within the category of freedom of opinion and expression, and it violates human, moral and legal values. Except for hatred and hatred, which contradicts the values ​​glorified by the contemporary world.

And he believed in a statement today, that “the indolence of the Swedish government and other Western governments in confronting such an extremist approach that carries racist ideas hostile to human freedom and dignity and does not value any religious, spiritual or moral sanctity, will generate serious negative repercussions unless measures are taken that allow curbing This approach is legal, cultural and political.”

He urged “Islamic governments, religious authorities and institutions to resolve their issue and move effectively to confront such repeated abuses, and move at the international level to urge the concerned countries to confront this phenomenon, and stop these violations that may leave a negative impact on the civilized relationship between Muslims and the West, and harm internal coexistence in some cases.” Western countries, which neither Islam nor human rights values ​​want.”



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