Mpox virus: the Ministry of Labor recommends teleworking in the event of contamination

MPOX is an infectious disease, which is characterized in particular by a skin rash that can be isolated or preceded or accompanied by a fever or swollen lymph nodes. MPOX is a zoonosis, that is to say a disease transmitted from animals to humans (rodents). Transmission is also interhuman.

The virus is transmitted between people, especially family and close friends. The main known modes of transmission are:

  • Close physical contact, especially during sexual intercourse, through contact of the skin or mucous membranes with skin lesions (spots or scabs), with an infected person.
  • Sharing linen (clothes, sheets, towels, etc.), toiletries (toothbrushes, razors, etc.), dishes, injection equipment, etc., contaminated by an infected person.
  • To a lesser extent, by droplets (spitting, sneezing).

If symptoms appear and while waiting for medical advice, the Ministry of Health recommends self-isolation, avoiding contact with other people, and covering injuries when going to the doctor.

Cases diagnosed with MPOX should strictly follow their doctor’s recommendations and isolate themselves at home for a period of 21 days from the date of onset of clinical signs, if their condition does not require hospitalization.

This 3-week period should be extended if the skin or mucous membrane lesions have not completely healed at the end of the period.

If strict isolation is not possible, it is necessary to limit their social interactions to outdoor activities without sharing equipment and without physical contact.

Infected people must telework for 3 weeks from the date the symptoms begin (or not work if telework is not possible), and not share or mix their clothes, linens and bedding or dishes with other people.

When going out (grocery shopping, walks), they must wear clothing that covers skin lesions, and gloves in case of lesions on the hands, as well as a surgical mask in public spaces. They are advised not to have physical contact with other people, including sexual intercourse, regardless of the type of intercourse.

During the 3 weeks of isolation, diagnosed cases must respect barrier gestures:

  • Avoid any physical contact with other people, even within the home;
  • Wear a surgical mask in the presence of other people;
  • Wash your hands regularly;
  • Disinfect surfaces regularly;
  • Do not share their linen, bedding, dishes or toiletries;
  • Do not touch animals;
  • If you need to go out, with the possibility of being in contact with other people, wear a mask, avoid public transport if possible and cover injuries.

Regarding travelers and therefore employees who may be required to travel abroad, no international recommendation, for the moment, suggests restricting travel.

Information measures and health recommendations for travelers leaving and returning from risk areas (those where the circulation of clade I has been detected to date) have been disseminated in airports, to raise awareness among travelers about preventive measures before their departure and to monitor the possible appearance of symptoms upon return.

Prevention remains the best protection if you travel to a country at risk, by avoiding any close contact with a person infected with MPOX or who has a rash that resembles MPOX or sharing living spaces with an infected person. A person targeted by preventive vaccination can be vaccinated before leaving for a country at risk while taking into account the time needed for immunization.

Questions and answers from the Ministry of Health of August 23, 2024.

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